JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation through the Nusa Penida Class II Port Organizing Unit (UPP) Office confirmed the incident that occurred at the Nusa Penida pier, Thursday, December 15.

Some of the Movable Bridge (MB) at the port pier was reported to have broken.

As is known, the broken bridge incident occurred at Banjar Nyuh Port, Nusa Penida District, Thursday, December 15 at around 16.45 WITA.

Fast Boat Semabu Hills carrying passengers from foreign nationals (WNA) departs from Nusa Penida to Sanur Port, Denpasar.

Head of the UPP Class II Nusa Penida Office, I Ketut Gede Sudarma, said that part of the Movable Bridge (MB) was broken at the Nusa Penida Port Pier, allegedly due to the large number of passengers at the same time using Movable Bridge to the fast boat so that it exceeded its strength limit.

As a result of the incident, said Sudarma, 25 passengers above Movable Bridge fell into the sea.

Ketut emphasized that the incident did not cause any casualties and the Semab Hills fast boat carrying dozens of passengers could still be dispatched at that time.

After the incident, said Sudarma, the Ministry of Transportation prevented the incident from recurring.

"A number of steps have been prepared by UPP Class II Nusa Penida to anticipate the recurrence of similar incidents," he said in an official statement, Friday, December 16.

Sudarma explained that anticipation was carried out by strengthening Movable Bridge and limiting the number of passenger embarrations through Movable Bridge.

With the same fast boat departure time every afternoon, every fast boat must ensure that the number of passengers is complete.

That way the fast boat can dock at the port to carry passengers and report to the harbormaster.

"In addition, it is necessary to disappear in the middle of the jetty and add a bold for the safety of passengers as well as fast boats during debarkation and embarkation," he said. Improve Sudarma Supervision also ensures that the UPP Class II Nusa Penida will increase supervision related to the discipline of using boarding passes by fast boat operators.

Not only that, said Sudarma, including managing the flow in and out of vehicles coordinated by cooperatives and pecalang (village security forces) so that tourists become more comfortable in traveling.

On this occasion, Sudarma apologized for the incident that occurred yesterday afternoon and invited ship operators and ship passengers to comply with existing safety regulations.

"And prioritizing safety that is not only the responsibility of regulators and ship operators but is a shared responsibility including ship passengers," he said.

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