JAKARTA - PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) is targeting revenue of IDR 4.4 trillion until the end of 2022. This target is strengthened by the occupancy of ferry passengers during the long Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 holidays (Nataru). Director of Finance, IT and Risk Management ASDP Djunia Satriawan, explained that this year's Nataru holiday momentum will encourage an increase in company revenue this year. Djunia said, until October this year, ASDP Indonesia recorded a profit of IDR 533 billion. This amount is up 90 percent compared to the target set by the company before. "After Nataru, it may be around IDR 4.4 trillion, but it has been submitted an estimated profit of around IDR 559 billion because October alone it was already IDR 533 billion," he said when met in the South Jakarta area, Wednesday, December 14.

Furthermore, Djunia said the achievement was the result of the revenue strategy carried out by the company. Coupled with the efficiency carried out by ASDP Indonesia Ferry. "Automatically later it can increase revenue, also this is also one of the fruits of controlling costs as well," he explained. Meanwhile, ASDP Indonesia Corporate Secretary Ferry Shelvy Arifin said his party set the Nataru 2023 alert period from 17 December 2022 to 4 January 2023. Furthermore, Ferry estimates the density will occur on 23 to 24 December 2022. "Then the peak of the backflow is on January 1 and 2, 2023," he said.

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