JAKARTA - The vacation of renting a phinisi ship in Labuan Bajo is the choice of many people who like nature tourism and luxury holidays. The rental price of phinisi ships in Labuan Bajo depends on the design of ships, facilities, capacities, and the number of guests staying overnight.

Quoted from the official website of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy of the Republic of Indonesia, Indonesia. travel, phinisi ships are typical Indonesian ships, precisely from Sulawesi. In the Labuan Bajo trip, phinice ships are used for sailing and staying on ships.

One of the things that affect the rental price of each phinition ship is its facilities. The facilities provided by each ship are increasingly diverse, such as jacuzzi, bathtub, rooms with sea views, karaoke, kayaks, canoes, to jet skis.

In one of the operator tours, Indonesia Juara Trip, the price range for phiniting ships in Labuan Bajo starts from Rp40 million - Rp300 million per night according to Agung Afif, the owner of Indonesia Juara Trip.

Indonesia Winner Trip provides a wide selection of phinisi ships with different facilities, capacities, and costs for tourists.

"So the budget and desired facilities vary, so usually those who are interested in renting phinisi ships for holidays in Labuan Bajo, first consult with our team via WhatsApp to find the appropriate phinition ship," Agung said in his statement, Wednesday, December 14.

With the concept of Living on Board (LoB), tourists are invited to tour between islands and destinations, and spend the night on the ship. Destinations visited for example, Padar Island, which is famous for its 3 bay views and can be seen starting from along the track route to the peak of Padar Island. In addition, there are Pink Beach, Taka Makassar, Manta Point, and others. The best trip duration in Labuan Bajo is 3 days 2 nights.

According to the search results on Google, currently many new phinisi ships have appeared in Labuan Bajo. The facilities and prices offered are different so that tourists are often confused about choosing. The role of trusted operator tours here is needed to serve tourists in terms of guidelines, services, and assistance in choosing a safer and more practical phinisi ship.

The most important tip when going to rent a phinition ship in Labuan Bajo is to choose a trusted operator tour and have positive reviews.

According to Agung, Indonesia Juara Trip has served the phinition ship rental for more than 7 years in Labuan Bajo.

"So far, tourists who rent phinisi ships through us are satisfied with the service we provide. And they always leave positive reviews via WhatsApp messages or on Tripadvisor," said Agung.

Judging from the Tripadvisor page, Indonesia Juara Trip is in position 1 in customer satisfaction from 314 other ship rental tours in Labuan Bajo.

Several great Indonesian artists have also trusted Indonesia Winner Trip to serve them in renting phinice ships in Labuan Bajo, such as Raffi Ahmad & Nagita Slavina, Baim Wong & Paula Verhoeven, Nirina Zubir, and Wulan Guritno & Chicco Jerikho.

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