JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk (JSMR) as the toll road operator will not implement a one-way traffic flow system (one way) during the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year (Nataru) holidays.

Jasa Marga President Director Subakti Syukur said that the consideration of no one way arrangements so that business in rest areas can run well.

"Nataru doesn't need a one way, it (business) rest areas still have to run," he said at the BUMN Cooperation event, at the Ministry of SOEs, Monday, December 12. Reflecting on previous experiences, he said, the implementation of one way would reduce toll road users' visits to rest areas.

With the absence of one way application, it will have a positive impact on micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in the rest area.

Even so, Subakti said that it did not mean that the company was not preparing it. He said Jasa Marga and related parties, namely the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) and the National Police, would make efforts to avoid overcrowding on toll roads during the Nataru holiday.

"From traffic (traffic) we estimate there is no need for a one way. (But) It doesn't need to be prepared," he explained.

Subakti explained, for the flow of homecoming or vehicles leaving Jakarta, Bogor Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabotabek) through the four main gates, it is estimated that it is 2.73 million vehicles.

"This figure increased by 2.6 percent to Nataru 2021 which was 2.6 million, an increase of 8.4 percent to normal conditions of 2.5 million vehicles," he said.

The distribution of traffic volume to the East or Trans Java by 47 percent, West or Merak by 30.6 percent and South or Ciawi by 22.4 percent.

Meanwhile, said Subakti, the return flow or vehicle returning to the Jabotabek area through the four main gates is estimated at 2.71 million vehicles.

This figure is up 1.2 percent against Nataru 2021, which is 2.6 million vehicles, an increase of 9 percent against normal days of 2.48 million vehicles.

The distribution of traffic volume from the East or Trans Java is 47.4 percent, the West or Merak is 30.1 percent, and the South or Clawi direction is 22.5 percent.

Subakti said the peak prediction for the 2022 Christmas homecoming flow is expected to occur on Friday, December 23, 2022.

Meanwhile, the 2023 New Year holiday occurred on Friday, December 30, 2022.

Meanwhile, the backflow of the 2022 Christmas holiday occurred on Sunday, December 25, 2022, and the 2023 New Year holiday on Sunday, January 1, 2023. "The government is always paying attention to how congestion is at points that are engineered with the existing density," he said.

Traffic Engineering

Subakti explained the traffic engineering plan to overcome congestion in the most crowded locations or special attention, including the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road (KM 48 to KM 66, KM 70 to KM 72), Cikampek-Palimanan section (KM 185 to KM 188).

Not only that, said Subakti, but there is also the functional operation of the addition of one two-way lane to the Jakarta-Cikampek section at KM 50 to KM 66 or 16 km long.

"So there is no need for engineering and then one-way Finfas (one way)," he said.

The functional operation of the South Jakarta Cikampek 2 or Sadang-Kutanegara section is 8.5 km long, enter the Cipularang or Sadang KM 76 Toll Road and exit Jalan Arten to re-enter the Jakarta-Cikampek or West Karawang KM 48 toll road.

"We together with the Ministry of Transportation and the Police regulate the operational time of the vehicle. Christmas holidays are arranged by trucks and the hours are indeed at the Hubdar on our toll road on 3 segments," he said.

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