JAKARTA - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif asked the oil production target of 1 million barrels per day and 12 BSCFD gas by 2030 to be accelerated in order to reduce imports.

According to Arifin, this reduction in imports makes the Government have wider space to finance renewable energy development, which is a priority in the energy transition.

"In the energy transition period, petroleum is still the main energy for transportation before being replaced by electric vehicles. Natural gas is used as transition energy before achieving 100 percent EBT at the plant," he said in Jakarta, Monday, December 5.

Just so you know, the realization of oil and gas production and lifting is still below the target so that it has a fairly heavy impact on the state budget.

Oil production is currently approximately 612 MBOPD below the 703 MBOPD APBN target, while gas production can exceed the target in the APBN, which is around 6,687 MMSCFD exceeding the target of 5,797 MMSCFD.

For this reason, Arifin asked SKK Migas together with Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) to continue to strive to increase national oil and gas production. Among other things, by drilling development wells, massive workover and well service activities and making various efforts and breakthroughs so that oil and gas production can achieve the target of the state budget or even exceed the target.

"Despite the decline in production, I ask that production be maintained by avoiding unplanned shutdown-shutdowns," he added.

On this occasion, the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources again reminded that the world is currently facing a crisis, ranging from an energy crisis, financial crisis and a geopolitical crisis.

The crisis also has an impact on Indonesia and is a challenge that is being faced together, as well as looking for opportunities so that Indonesia remains able to provide energy to the community at affordable prices.

"In addition, it also continues to rise up in improving the welfare of the community, because we have great natural resource potential. For this reason, various strategies, innovations and policies are needed so that the energy needs of the community can still be met," he concluded.

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