JAKARTA - For a company and business organization, CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) has become a very important initiative. CSR is a form of commitment and action taken by companies in fulfilling responsibilities to the social community and the surrounding environment.

The CSR program will also be able to form a gold circle which will also benefit the company. Through the CSR program, social and economic life, both local communities and the community will be much more secure.

The peak of the CSR Outlook 2022 event at Jatiluhur Valley and Resort officially ended with the implementation of the CSR Outlook Roundtable Discussion and CSR Exhibition which was carried out in a hybrid manner, with 215 people attended by academics, the general public, to company employees.

CSR Outlook is a dialogue medium initiated by Olahkarsa to continue to build a positive narrative about the importance of CSR as a step towards a sustainable business.

Carrying the theme Creating Shared Value: A New Way of Doing Business, the event is packaged in five series of activities that have been carried out since May 18, 2022, consisting of the journal CSR, Road to CSR Outlook, CSR Outlook Insight Report, CSR Outlook Roundtable Discussion, and CSR Exhibition.

The series of companies that attended the peak of CSR Outlook 2022 included PT Kimia Farma Tbk, Perum Jasa Tirta II, Ministry of SOEs, PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry, Nestle Indonesia, PT Pupuk East Kalimantan, PT Pegadaian, PT Siacok Express Indonesia, PT Badak NGL, PT Pertamina (Persero), PT Kalbe Farma Tbk, PT Tirta Investama Klaten, Airnav Indonesia, PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas, PT Bio Farma, as well as academics and the government.

The opening session was welcomed by Unggul Ananta as Founder & CEO of PT Olahkarsa Innovation Indonesia which delivered VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity) as a disruption challenge for sustainable development.

To face all the challenges that will occur in the future, Creating Shared Value (CSV) is a sexi conception that can be applied in building A New Way of Doing Business.

In addition, CSV is also a conception that is indeed a concern for companies that attend CSR Outlook 2022, one of which is PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur.

"Indeed, in Pupuk Kaltim, we have been using CSV (Creating Shared Value) for a long time," said Anggono Wijaya as Vice President of TJSL, PT Pupuk Kalimantan Timur.

Furthermore, Angkie Yudistia as the Presidential Special Staff of the Republic of Indonesia, opened a discussion session by emphasizing inclusiveness in business sustainability.

"By building heterogeneous ones, usually we will be more innovative. Now, if we are more innovative, the way we respond to all environmental changes is more creative, usually more adaptive," said Director of Human Resources of PT Kimia Farma Tbk, Dharma Syahputra.

Teddy Poernama as the Coordinator of the TJSL Madya Ministry of SOEs explained that the key to success in the TJSL program is impact.

"So we in BUMN have 5 pillars, sir, but actually the end is impact. If we talk about output outcome, it ends in an impact. It's just how the impact can arise, we have that strengthening on the digitalization side, the content of governance, the employee engagement side, and the fourth collaboration," said Teddy.

Sharing representatives of the company who were also present also gave support and appreciation for the implementation of the 2022 CSR Outlook.

"This is an agenda that I have been waiting for to find out the development and implementation of CSR from large companies, both multinational and BUMN, hopefully this event can be an annual event in the future," said Dewi Sri Utami as Manager of the Small Medium Enterprise Partnership Program PT Pertamina (Persero).

"Through this event, Kalbe learned that CSR is part of a strategy, not an additional burden. Kalbe deserves a lot of CSR activities," said Abi Nisaka as Sustainability Manager of PT Kalbe Farma Tbk.

Olahkarsa also presented a government representative, Junaedi Mulyono, as the Head of Ponggok Village, Klaten, Central Java and also attended by Dr. Didiet Widiowati M.Si as an academic representative of the Bandung Social Welfare Polytechnic.

Not only offering CSR's sustainability and future insights in Indonesia, but Olahkarsa also provides space for the fostered groups of each company.

The space presented is CSR Exhibition, where through the CSR Exhibition the assisted groups (part of the company's community development program) can introduce and sell their products.

"We are very proud to be trusted to be here, we can market and introduce our products," said Nunung Susilawati as KUMK-P Bina Karya Sejahtera (work of PT Telkom Indonesia).

The peak of the CSR Outlook 2022 event also introduced the Olahkarsa digital product innovation service, namely SR APP (Social Responsibility Application), which is the first software as a service in Indonesia that helps companies in managing, managing CSR, by upholding pillars of sustainability more effectively, efficiently, and integrated.

Starting from 13.00 until the end at 21.00, this event was quite lively and did not lose the enthusiasm of the participants by holding a joint gala dinner.

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