BALI - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) continues to strive to achieve the target of producing 1 million BOPD oil and 12 BSCFD gas by 2030. One of these efforts was realized through a number of memorandum of understanding or Memorandum of Understanding with several companies. The signing was held on the sidelines of the second day of the implementation of the 3rd International Convention on Indonesian Upstream Oil and Gas 2022 (IOG 2022), Thursday, November 24 in Nusa Dua, Bali. SKK Migas and KKS counters signed with seven companies. The seven companies are Schlumberger, Landmark Halliburton, Superintending Company of Indonesia (Sucofindo), Consortium Birus Utama-Patra Abdi Sejati-Petrotech Penta Nusa-ANTON, and Solar Services Indonesia (Solar Turbines), PT Pertamina International Shipping and PT Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero). "Today's signing proves that the 2022 IOG is not just a convention but a convention. there is a real action in the form of a business deal to encourage the progress of Indonesia's upstream oil and gas industry," said Head of SKK Migas Dwi Soetjipto, quoted on Friday, November 25. "MoU with the seven companies supports the Indonesian Oil and Gas 4.0 Strategic Plan or the IOG 4.0 Strategic Plan which is a strategic plan developed by the upstream oil and gas industry to achieve the production target by 2030," continued Dwi. Furthermore, Dwi conveyed that the IOG 4.0 Renstra implemented six strategic pillars and the strategic pillars. the four supporting pillars translate to 25 Work Programs with 80 targets and more than 200 action plans. The MoU with the seven companies generically supports the pillar of technology adoption or technology operation with the form of cooperation tailored to the competence of each company. The MoU between SKK Migas and Schlumberger and Landmark Halliburton set specific areas in collaborating to help Indonesia reach 1 million BOPD and 12 BSCFD in the year 2030. The scope of this MOU collaboration includes the development of human resources, digitization, and the application of the latest technology to exploration and production activities. Meanwhile, the MoU and Sucofindo facilitate the use of Sucofindo's resources and experience in the fields of inspection, testing, certification, consulting and training to support upstream oil and gas operations. On the other hand, the MoU with the PT Birus Utama-PT Abdi Patra Sejati-PT Petrotech Penta Nusa-PT Anton Oilfield Services Indo intends to explore cooperation with the aim of evaluating potential reactivation of idle wells and field development; optimization and improvement of oil and gas production achievements; and supporting SKK Migas in managing upstream oil and gas business activities. MoU with PT. Solar Services Indonesia is an extension of the previous MoU. This company is a subsidiary of Solar Turbines International. Cooperation for five years since 2018 providing benefits for both parties, especially to Indonesia's upstream oil and gas, namely ensuring the reliability of the main Turbomachinery Solar equipment in supporting the achievement of the target of 1 million BOPD and 12 BSCFD by 2030. Not only that, this collaboration also encourages cost efficiency of almost US$70 million, increasing national growth and development of human resources and domestic maintenance facilities. For the achievements and benefits of this 5 years of cooperation, SKK Migas and PT. Solar Service Indonesia agreed to continue the cooperation by continuing to open new initiatives that provide benefits for both parties in the future.

MoU with PT Pertamina International Shipping aims to utilize the integrated sea transportation services owned by this company to support upstream oil and gas activities. This company is one of the sub holdings of PT Pertamina (Persero) so that this MoU also aims to optimize and maximize the use of domestic services, supporting the achievement of the level of domestic components so that it can contribute to the national economy. Dwi said that the reputation of the services and technology of the above companies is quite well known in the upstream oil and gas industry. For example, the services of Sucofindo and PT Pertamina International Shipping have been widely used by oil and gas companies in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Schlumberger and Halliburton are the owners of technology used in the exploration and production activities of oil and gas in the world. Regarding MoU with PTPN, SKK Migas collaborates to address land acquisition constraints in upstream oil and gas exploration and production activities. This understanding regulates the land acquisition mechanism by upstream oil and gas companies, or known as Cooper Contractors (KKKS Contractors) located at locations owned by PTPN Group. Through this collaboration, uniformity and acceleration of the land acquisition process for upstream oil and gas activities in all assets of PTPN Group can be carried out and PTPN as land owners can provide approval to carry out construction activities and drilling activities in parallel to the completion of the land acquisition process. "This is an initiative to carry out massive and aggressive production activities. We welcome both things like this to be realized in IOG 2022 activities," said Dwi. For your information, apart from the MoU between SKK Migas with the seven companies above, on the second day of the IOG 2022 event, an MoU was also carried out between KKS Contractor PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan with six provider technology, namely PT Soemoer Toea Business, PT Soemoer Toea-APPS-PPN-ANTON, and PT Geopatrando Energi Pratama. MoU is also carried out with PT Epsindo Jaytama, PT Putam Lestari, and PT Pelam.

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