PT Pertamina Gas (Pertagas) signed an agreement to transport petroleum with PT Pertamina Hulu Rokan (PHR), which marks the phase of commercializing the Rokan Block oil pipeline, thus contributing consolidated income to PGN.

Pertagas President Director Gamal Imam Santoso conveyed that this moment was a synergy between a subsidiary of Gas Subholding and Pertamina's Upstream Subholding. Just so you know, a series of discussions have been carried out together since the construction process of the Rokan oil pipeline until finally the transportation agreement was signed on Friday, November 18, 2022, by the President Director of Pertagas and the President Director of PHR.

Gamal explained, in this agreement Pertagas and PHR cooperated to transport oil through the Balam-Bangko-Dumai corridor and the Minas-Duri-Dumai corridor during the 2022-2041 period.

"This agreement is one of the important milestones in the long-term cooperation between Pertagas and PHR," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, November 23.

Gamal hopes that the agreement has been signed to support the optimization of national oil distribution and lifting. By the end of October 2022, Pertagas has distributed 6.7 million barrels on the new pipeline section.

In the future, it is hoped that this volume can increase and the use of the Rokan oil pipeline can be more optimal.

"The flow of oil in the Rokan Block plays an important role in national energy sovereignty. Pertagas will certainly provide optimal services to support PHR in carrying out its assignments in providing energy for the country," he explained.

For information, the Rokan oil pipeline was built along 340 km which stretches from Minas, Batak City, Balam, to Dumai. The project, which was built during the COVID-19 pandemic, has completed its construction phase at the end of 2021 and is currently in a gradual flow process.

In carrying out a series of Rokan oil pipeline replacement projects, Pertagas always prioritizes work health safety and environmental awareness or HSSE. This is evidenced by recording 5,340,360 working hours of safety in the Rokan oil pipeline project.

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