In order to achieve a sufficient and stable life, living efficiently is not enough, you need to have the ability to manage your finances so that the financial cycle runs smoothly and financial goals can be achieved.

In managing good finances, a priority scale of needs is needed.

Then what are the priority scale examples?

The priority scale of needs can help you prioritize what needs to be done and avoid the risk of failure. Then, what is the priority scale of its needs? For more detailed information, see the article below.

Examples of Priority Scale

Berikut adalah contoh skala prioritas yang dikutip dari buku Perjalanan Mencapai Dream Untuk Hidup Berenaksana karya Anatoli Karvof.

Mastering routine work

Complete special work

Collaborating with other divisions

Create job resume

Eat and rest

Buying staple food

Paying bills

Accommodation costs


Entertainment costs and unexpected needs


The cost of education


The cost of replacing the damaged stove (the main tool to meet the main needs)

Rental Fee

Food costs

Feebooks and college supplies

Other needs


Hajj Fee

Change the new car

Change the latest cellphone

Holidays out of town

Keep in mind, the priority scale of the above needs is just an example considering the priority needs of each person are different. The priority scale of the need itself is also influenced by income factors, community roles, and individual lifestyles.

It would be nice to spend money according to the priorities and values obtained in the future, for example for investment or productive activities such as business capital.

Talking about the priority scale, here are the benefits of the priority scale of the needs you can get.

Main Needsfill

The main benefit of implementing the priority scale of needs is the fulfillment of basic needs. This happens because you are aware of and understand the main needs that must be prioritized rather than buying goods that are not a priority. Even if you have a fairly large income, if you don't have priority needs, your income will be less.

Finance is more controlled

By buying necessities based on priorities, your finances can also be more controlled. You can live more efficiently and can set aside the remaining money for emergency funds or other productive activities.

Financial Planning Runs Well

Besides being able to meet the main needs and live more efficiently, the next benefit that can be obtained is that the financial plan will run properly according to the amount that has been set aside previously. If you apply the priority scale of your needs, you will be wiser in using money according to the predetermined priorities.

Help Measuring Progress in Reaching Goals

The last benefit is that you can find out what things or needs have not been met and monitor the progress of the planned financial goals.

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