JAKARTA - The government continues to encourage the Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicle (KBLBB) program to realize the use of cleaner energy, reduce fuel imports, foreign exchange savings and reduce CO2 emissions. One of the efforts taken is to carry out a conversion program one year ago initiated by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM).

"We have been converting this electric vehicle since last year, we are trying to convert used motorcycles into electric motors," said ESDM Minister Arifin Tasrif to the media, Monday, November 21. The electric vehicle conversion program carried out by the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has several advantages, both in terms of fuel costs and oil changes and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

"The results of the trial of converting electric motorcycles over 10 years that we have done are if we use fuel for 30 KM, we will spend 1 liter of fuel. For example, Pertalite costs Rp. 10,000, but if it is replaced with an electric motorbike it only requires 1 Kilo Watt electric power which costs Rp. 1,600. Don't forget that the fuel motors every year have to replace the oils for approximately Rp. 2-2.5 million per year, with electric motors it doesn't exist anymore," said Arifin.

He further detailed that the use of electric cars will save fuel and maintenance costs of Rp. 17.62 million per year. Benefits for the Government for 1 million electric cars, suppress imports of fuel of 1.5 million kilo liters, save foreign exchange of Rp. 13.02 trillion, reduce CO2 emissions of 3.21 million tons per year, and increase electricity consumption of 2.2 TWh per year

Meanwhile, for electric motor users (conversion and new) there will be a savings of fuel costs of Rp. 2.68 million per year. The benefit for the Government for 900 thousand motorcycle units in 2025 is to reduce fuel 0.32 million KL per year, reduce Pertalite compensation of Rp. 0.48 trillion per year, reduce CO2 emissions of Rp. 0.61 million tons per year, and increase electricity consumption of 0.38 TWh per year.

In addition to savings, another advantage is the reduction in CO2 emissions which is certainly in line with the net zero emission (NZE) target in 2060.

"If 140 million units of all vehicles are replaced with electricity, then we can reduce the emissions of 100 million tons of CO2 every year. Our target is 2060 emissions can be zero, we can use all new energy potentials throughout Indonesia," said Arifin.

Arifin believes that this electric motorcycle program will have a multiplier effect in other sectors, such as manufacturing to the growth of electric motorcycle workshops.

"I am sure, if this activity can run, economic activities will also increase, starting from workshops, manufacturing factories that make all electric motor components will move and this is Indonesian production," concluded Arifin.

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