JAKARTA - PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) in collaboration with the Jami Manyar Mosque Takmir Foundation (Yatamal) and PT Raya Manyar Persaya (RMP) established a smelter waste treatment facility in Manyarejo Village, Gresik Regency, East Java.

PTFI Executive Vice President Corporate Planning & Business Strategy, Horst Garz said the cooperation in establishing this smelter waste treatment facility was the company's support for the Gresik community's priorities in waste management.

"We are proud to be part of this sustainability effort. The existence of PTB facilities will support the vision and mission of the people of Gresik in managing responsible waste through 3R (reuse, reduce, and recycle), as well as taking a role in the circular economy," said Horst Garz, quoted from Antara, Monday, November 21.

Chairman of the Takmir Foundation for the Jami Manyar Mosque (Yatam) Ustadz H. Abdul Mu'id Zahid said this collaboration includes financing the education of orphans and facilities for developing human resources who want to enter the industrial world.

"Hopefully industrial waste can be absorbed maximally in this place, so that we hope that donations to 500 orphans can be made and the BLK that can be built can be carried out later," he said.

He assessed that the pure benefit of this collaboration for the people in Manyar is that it is a pilot project for other industries to work together with the community.

"We hope that other areas will imitate like this, also open themselves. This is evidenced by Freeport in Manyar," he said.

The main function of this waste treatment facility is as a temporary recycling waste transfer facility (Temporary Recyclable Waste Transfer Facility) for the Manyer smelter project.

This location will seek material recovery through the recycling concept so that it can reduce inorganic waste that is disposed of directly to the Final Disposal Site (TPA).

The strategy of reducing smelter waste includes the process of sorting construction waste directly at the smelter site, processing waste at the PTB facility, and selling value-added waste treatment products by third parties or beneficiaries.

For example, the management of iron left over a stake that is sorted, cleaned, and cut before being sold to local buyers.

For the first stage, its function is prioritized to manage iron left over from the stakepoles, wood left behind from construction supports, and materials left over from packaging by involving Village-Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) and local waste banks.

This is to reaffirm the company's strategy in the sustainability and realization of the circular economy.

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