As many as 30 employees of PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM) flew to Jakarta to express their support and loyalty to CLM management under the leadership of Helmut Hermawan.

We came from Luwu to emphasize our integrity and support for Mr. Helmut's management. Having worked under his leadership for years, we feel that all welfare rights are fulfilled and the relationship between management and employees is closely related to the family. Therefore, it was never thought of for us to join the management of Zainal Abidin's camp," said Yuli, one of the mining engineers in the group, in his statement, Friday, November 18.

They claimed to have taken a difficult trip. Experiencing several disturbances since departing from Luwu via Palopo before arriving in Makassar to fly to Jakarta.

Some time earlier, several employees who were loyal to the management of Helmut's leadership also had time to get terror and intimidation from law enforcement by bringing up the names of the officers.

As it has been reported, on August 24 and September 13, 2022, there have been acts of vandalism, robbery and alleged mistreatment of CLM employees by law-law companies at the company's office in Malili and access to CLM mining. The illegal action emerged after PT Aserra Mineralindo Investama (PT AMI) dh. PT Aserra Sejahtera Investama (ASI)/PT Aserra Capital (Aserra Group) wanted to buy shares from the APMR of the majority shareholder of CLM.

In the process, the conditional sale and purchase agreement (PJBB) could not be implemented because the Assera party could not also pay the shares promised even though it had been given an additional three months' deadline from the closing date according to the PJBB. However, Assera, by breaking the law, continues to try to control APMR and CLM.

Related to this, CLM under the rule of Helmut Hermawan has made legal efforts civilly and criminally. Based on his last deed on September 14, 2022, which has obtained approval from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Helmut et al have also been declared as legal management.

Therefore, they hope that the legal apparatus that handles and is supported by the local government can immediately resolve the chaos of share ownership and management in the company.

Freddy Napitupulu, Director of Operations for CLM, Helmut Hermawan, believes that the conscience of the employees who are still on the site side with them. It is proven that when management and some employees will go to Jakarta, they advised and prayed that Helmut et al's management could win and the site returned to its normal activities.

"Conscienceally, we believe they know where to take sides with the injustice and injustice that we have experienced," he said.

The 30 employees who came to Jakarta came from various divisions at the East Luwu CLM mining site. These include the financial division, HRD division, engineers, forest management, and others.

Before the chaos of management occurred, as Gunaryo acknowledged, one of the employees, the daily relationship between management and employees was very friendly. Their relationship was disbursed and not divided between divisions or contractors.

Therefore, they admitted that they were quite devastated when Zainal Abidinsyah (who is also the CEO of the Apexindo Group) removed the names of the board of directors of CLM after the chaos of ownership.

All employees who came to Jakarta admitted that since the leadership of the CLM was held by Helmut et al, the welfare of employees has increased rapidly, in line with the company's performance. As an illustration, last year they got a bonus of twice their salary when mining production could go up beyond the target.

Therefore, many of my friends then took (credit) houses and vehicles. They are trusted by banks because the company's performance is also good. Apart from that, we also provide a softloan if there are employees who have sudden needs," said Zaenuri, Head of Finance for CLM.

PT Citra Lampia Mandiri (CLM) is a domestic company that was established in 2007 and is engaged in the nickel laterite dmp mining sector. The mining company (IUP) has a production business license of 2,660 hectares or the largest in South Sulawesi.

As an active mining company that owns the largest land in Sulawesi, according to Freddy, 89 percent of CLM employees are local people, including all of its contractors. From the start they gave access to regional sons so they could participate in managing mining.

"We have the principle, if we work there, we must also contribute as much as possible to the local community. So our empowerment is not nonsense. We even take the name of the village as a company name," said Freddy.

To improve the skills of mining workers, added Freddy, CLM routinely holds training for operators and employees who almost all come from the local community. In addition, they are also open to mining student internship programs around the region. It's just that because the registrants are abundant, they eventually create a restriction system.

The contribution of CLM in East Luwu does not just focus on the welfare of its internal employees. Under the leadership of Helmut, CLM carried out a lot of social activities and mingled with the interests of the community. Among other things, through the empowerment program of 4 ring one villages and ring two mining they fostered. Each of these villages is Harapan Village, Pangkerek Village, Pasi-sipasi Village and Laskap Village.

Freddy explained, since 2021 they have been initiating in designing the RIPM (Community Service Identification Plan) which has been submitted to the Provincial Government and now just waiting for approval from the center.

"We are initiating ourselves to make the RIGM, we submit it to the local government approved, then go up to the provincial government it is approved and now while submitting it to the Center it is only legalization. But even though it has not been ratified by the government, because it has become a commitment, we still spend the spending on the four villages. We data what their needs are, and we will fulfill it according to RIGM," said Freddy again.

To the four villages, CLM actively makes philanthropic programs. Such as routine programs on Friday and Friday Clean. When needed, they do not hesitate to deploy heavy equipment in the site to help the road repair process along the village access to empowerment. Including helping reclamation when one of the mosques is eroded by sea water erosion.

Not long ago, they also donated an ambulance, and a spacecraft to the local puskesmas. Formally, the local government has also appointed a CLM to create a green open space in the form of a soccer field. Meanwhile, PT Vale Indonesia, their neighboring mining company, received a share for making a park.

Freddy admitted that their various social activities were assisted by many local NGOs so that a harmonious relationship was established between the company, the community and NGOs. Zubairi, whose wife is originally a resident of Lampia, also admitted that the relationship between employees and the local community has been very integrated without restrictions. In addition, the existence of CLM also has a real influence on the regional economic level.

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