JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to increase the competitiveness of the national industry so that it is ready to face the latest challenges and is able to be competitive in the global arena.

What's more, at the G20 Presendence, Indonesia became an important momentum in discussing more in-depth industrial issues.

Two of the three focuses of the priority sector of the Indonesian G20 Presidency are known to discuss the digital transformation sector and the energy transition sector.

"In line with the industrial service and service innovation efforts developed by all of our work units," said the Head of the Standardization and Industrial Services Policy Agency (BSKJI) of the Ministry of Industry, Doddy Rahadi, during a Business Matching event with the theme "Standardization Towards Industrial Resilience" in Surabaya, Thursday, November 17.

In order to maintain positive growth in the industrial sector, Doddy said that his party had implemented several strategic programs in order to achieve the target of developing industrial services.

Some of these programs include the preparation of classification of industrial service activities, mapping of industrial service contributions in national GDP, preparing industrial service balances, and drafting of Minister of Industry Regulations on Guidems for Industrial Services Development.

Next, improving infrastructure supporting industrial services, increasing local components in providing industrial services, strengthening the role of centers in the Ministry of Industry in providing industrial services (certification, testing, calibration, consulting, designing industrial engineering, mentoring), increasing the competence of industrial services human resources through Technical Guidance and Certification, and (proposing SKKNI, establishment of Professional Certification Institutions, establishment of Competency Test Places).

"We are also increasing the role of industrial services in supply chains and trade in international services, as well as increasing productivity and efficiency of industrial services by optimizing the use of technology, including industrial technology 4.0," explained Doddy.

Doddy added, one of the satkers under the Ministry of Industry's BSKJI, namely the Surabaya Standardization and Industrial Services Center (BSPJI) has implemented smart service innovations in accelerating professional, transparent, accountable industrial services and free from indications of state losses.

"Until now, BSPJI Surabaya has received recognition and won an award as a satker for the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) with the status of a Corruption-Free Area (WBK) since 2018, a Clean and Serving Bureaucratic Area (WBBM) in 2020, and Prima Services in 2022 by Menpan RB," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of BSPJI Surabaya, Budi Setiawan said, with the Digital Online Services, it will accelerate the service process, increase productivity and process efficiency, and realize satisfaction with BSPJI Surabaya service users.

"With this Business Matching, it is hoped that it will become a means of communication and information, collaboration and cooperation between industry players and BSPJI Surabaya in order to increase industrial competitiveness, especially in the provinces of East Java and its surroundings to create a sustainable, independent, and competitive industry," he added.

For your information, this business matching agenda has launched Digital Online Services as a digital service innovation that can make it easier for customers to get industrial services, from registration to the issuance of service results provided by BSPJI Surabaya.

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