JAKARTA The grand event of the G20 Indonesia Summit which will take place on 15-16 will certainly attract the world's attention because it becomes a gathering place for global top leaders. More than 2,000 journalists worldwide from the 400s of media have confirmed that they are present in person to Nusa Dua, Bali.

Based on information compiled by the editors, there are 19 leaders of countries who have been invited to directly participate in the G20 Summit on the Island of the Gods. This number is still coupled with the presence of various delegates and leaders of world institutions. The following VOI summarizes for readers.

1. United States President Joe Biden

The presence of President Joe Biden is one of the magnets of attention in the G20 Summit. This is because the boss of the superpower can be a barometer of his own for the success of the Group of 20 which is chaired by Indonesia this year.As a country with the largest global economy, US participation certainly opens up opportunities for diplomacy for all parties. The Jokowi government itself is believed not to miss this opportunity to hold a bilateral meeting with President Biden. 2. Chinese President Xi Jinping

This East Asian country is a new prima donna of the world economy. Through the ability of the domestic manufacturing industry, China is able to become part of developed countries. China's ability to build the economy is clearly evident in the various infrastructure projects carried out. In fact, several important and strategic projects of the Republic of Indonesia are often worked on by the Panda Country. 3. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

Although he has just led the British government, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has stated his commitment to participation in the G20 Summit. You could say this is the first grand stage for PM Sunak in socializing with various world leaders A number of central positions owned by Prince Charles' country are of course becoming his own bargaining to strengthen the success of diplomacy with many nations. In general, England is quite strong in terms of the strength of the global financial industry. 4. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

PM Trudeau's official confirmation of the presence was officially reported by the Canadian Government website. It was stated that he would directly lead the Canadian delegation in achieving state priority agendas at the G20.5 Summit. South Korean President Yoon Suk YeolPontai Nasional Presidency of the G20 Indonesia has received direct confirmation if President Yoon Suk Yeol will take part in the summit in central Bali this month.

From the information circulating, the South Korean leader will use the G20 Summit as a momentum to lobby the United States regarding foreign policy and national security. 6. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese

This neighbor of the Republic of Indonesia in the south also sent PM Anthony Albanese as the leader of the Australian delegation at the G20 Summit. The presence of Aussie is certainly an important symbol of strengthening relations with Indonesia because the two countries have been involved in important cooperation so far. It is said that PM Anthony will continue his state agenda in ASEAN after attending the G20 Summit in Bali. 7. King Salman from Saudi Arabia

The main ruler of the Arabian pilgrimage, King Salman, is confirmed to be present at the G20 summit next week. This assurance was conveyed by the Minister of Trade of Saudi Arabia during a visit to Indonesia last September. For information, Saudi Arabia is a close partner of the Republic of Indonesia in the economic sector. The two countries have also established diplomatic relations for decades. President Jokowi is expected to welcome King Salman in various meetings to ensure that relations between the Republic of Indonesia and Saudi Arabia can be maintained properly.

8. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi

PM Modi will definitely come directly to Bali at the summit of the G20 Summit. This is of course related to the agenda of handing over the G20 leadership from Indonesia to India. The country in South Asia is planned to become the President of the Group of 20 for the next 2023 period. From an economic perspective, India is one of the major players in the world manufacturing industry. A number of global top manufacturers are recorded as having a production base in India. In addition, India is also quite strong in the information technology development sector. 9. Turkish President Recep Tayip Erdogan

Turkey is one of the world's important players in the economy. Even though the country is facing unusually high inflationary turmoil, Turkey still offers its own appeal to every country that cooperates in trade. President Erdogan is scheduled to attend directly in Bali in order to lead his country's delegation to the G20 Summit.

10. South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Although geographically South Africa is quite far from Indonesia, the two countries have been involved in strong diplomatic and economic relations. On that basis, President Cyril expressed his willingness to fly directly to Bali in following the agenda of the G20.11 Summit. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida Japan stated that PM Fumio is scheduled to take part in the G20 summit agenda next week. The information was reported by local media Kyodo News who reported that PM would continue his activities at the Asean Summit after completing the event in Bali.12. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni

Italy confirmed PM Giorgia was present in person to Bali to take part in the G20 Summit. This was confirmed through Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi's statement at the end of last October.13. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz

The Western European country stated that their leader Chancellor Olaf Scholz is ready to participate in the agenda series of the G20 Summit in Bali. Germany is an important player in the world economy thanks to the establishment of the domestic manufacturing industry Meanwhile, a number of unknown heads of countries/governments will be present in person are Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, France, the European Union. Meanwhile, confirmation of the absence of Russian President Vladimir Putin has been submitted to the Republic of Indonesia and will be represented by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

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