JAKARTA - President Director of PT PLN (Persero) Darmawan Prasodjo received an award as the most popular leader in social media according to the category of non-TBK BUMN subcategories by Jambore PR Indonesia (JAMPIRO) 2022.

This determination was made based on the results of monitoring the news on dozens of ministries/agencies/regional governments/BUMN/BUMD/ colleges and three social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook and Instagram) in the period January 1 - September 30, 2022 by PR Indonesia and Indonesia Indicator.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo expressed his gratitude for this award. The award he won was the result of efforts to improve the quality of customer services carried out by PLN personnel.

"So, this is not only the work of a President Director, not only the work of the BOD leadership, but all PLN strengths. Both PLN personnel and our power transfer personnel," Darmawan said in his statement, Friday, November 11.

Darmawan also wants to dedicate this award to all PLN personnel who have optimally struggled to give their best service and serve customers as well as possible so that customer satisfaction with PLN services increases.

According to Darmawan, PLN itself continues to make improvements to ensure services to customers continue to increase. Therefore, PLN is starting to leave the old ways that are all manual towards digitization.

"We are digitizing power plants, digitizing transmission and distribution, digitizing financial systems, procurement systems, payment systems, to digitizing customer service systems," explained Darmawan.

An example is what is done in the PLN Mobile application. Darmawan and PLN are transforming so that the system is much faster and more efficient in providing services to customers.

Therefore, a system was created so that all PLN officers must respond quickly to what is needed by customers. As a result, currently PLN Mobile has been downloaded by more than 34 million people with a rating of 4.8 and is one of the best applications in Southeast Asia.

"For that, when I talk about myself as the most popular leader on social media, it means that Alhamdullilah, the community accepts and appreciates PLN's struggle in transforming," he explained.

Indonesian PR Founder and CEO Asmono Wikan said the role of public relations is very important in an institution and company, because it will improve the company's reputation.

"Because with the power of communication carried out by our respective communicators, namely Public Relations, our organization still stands strong with a very good reputation," he added.

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