JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff Dr. Moeldoko attended the Flag Off Touring of Battery-Based Electric Vehicles (KLBB), in the Jakarta National Monument area, Monday, November 7. The Jakarta Bali tour, which takes the 1,250 kilometer route, is a side event of the G20 held by the Ministry of Transportation.

On that occasion, Moeldoko said, the government was thinking about policies that could increase incentives for electric vehicles. This is necessary to accelerate the development of electric vehicles in Indonesia.

He also gave an example of Thailand and Vietnam supporting the development of electric vehicles through incentives.

We have a continuous meeting on the development of electric cars. One way to think about incentives. So that we (Indonesia) will not become a market in the Asian region, because Thailand and Vietnam are good incentives. We are going to adjust the environment," said Moeldoko in a written statement.

The 2013-2015 TNI Commander also said that the government was thinking about incentives for transition and conversion, both for motorcycles, cars, or public transportation.

"How many incentives are right to provide subsidies. The numbers have been met but cannot be announced because they have to go through the Minister of Finance," he added.

Moeldoko also appreciated the Battery-Based Electric Vehicle Flag Off Touring (KLBB) held by the Ministry of Transportation. According to him, the launch is proof for people who still doubt the performance of electric vehicles.

This event is very brave. Because they dare to answer questions in the community. First, can an electric motorbike be long distance, this can be done. Can it be charging, can it be no problem, doesn't it fire, can it be electrocuted? We'll see if someone is electrocuted," said Moeldoko.

Meanwhile, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi hopes that the Jakarta-Bali battery-based electric vehicle tour will become a showcase for electric-based vehicle capabilities and attract investment and creative ideas to advance battery-based automotive in Indonesia.

"So electric vehicles are convenient, don't speak at all. Don't just stop at this touring. Let's start a big migration for the nation towards the conversion of electricity", explained Budi Karya Sumadi before releasing the tour participants.

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