PT PLN (Persero) has resumed its government assignment in the Electricity New Installation Assistance (BPBL). This time it headed to 1,904 poor households in Maluku Province.

This BPBL program is a synergy between the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), the DPR RI, PLN and the Regional Government as an effort to improve people's welfare and increase the electrification ratio throughout Indonesia.

The Director of Electricity Program Development of the Directorate General of Electricity, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Wanhar, said that of the 80,000 households throughout Indonesia, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has planned as many as 1,904 households in Maluku, of which 538 households for prospective BPBL recipients are located in Aru Islands Regency.

Wanhar explained, in addition to increasing the electrification ratio, the BPBL program is also expected to improve the standard of life and community independence.

"With access to electricity itself, it is hoped that the BPBL beneficiaries will no longer depend on the provision of electricity from neighbors," he said in an official statement, Friday, November 4.

On the same occasion, member of Commission VII of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, Mercy Chriesty Barends, said that electricity issues in the Aru Islands must be resolved completely, and to increase electrification throughout Indonesia. Commission VII together with ESDM and PLN are said to be committed to managing electricity throughout Maluku.

"Hopefully the efforts we make can accelerate electricity, we don't want our society to be left behind in the dark. So for all stakeholders, with this BPBL program we can improve people's welfare. With electricity, small communities can develop a productive economy, home industry because electricity is on," explained Mercy.

The Regent of Aru Islands, Johan Gonga, explained that electricity or lighting is a problem that has not been fully resolved in Indonesia, especially in the Aru Islands region.

"To overcome this problem, the government also plans and makes various programs, to overcome this problem, one of which is through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, namely through the BPBL program for the poor, and this is also an initiative from Mrs. Mercy," Johan explained.

On the other hand, PLN's Executive Vice President of Distribution Operations Sulawesi, Maluku, Papua and Nusa Tenggara, Indradi Setiawan thanked the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and Commission VII for assigning an assignment to PLN to implement the BPBL program.

"We congratulate you, hopefully this program will provide many benefits, provide blessings, and can be utilized properly. Hopefully this BPBL program can also help develop family education and the family economy," said Indradi.

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