Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs (Menkop UKM) Teten Masduki emphasized the importance of data security in economic digitization activities, especially for the MSME entry process into the digital ecosystem, so as to prevent data misuse.
“ Saat ini adaptasi transformasi digital menjadi kunci bagi UMKM agar lebih resilient. Tercatat 86 persen pelaku UMKM bergantung pada internet untuk menjalankan kegiatan usaha, 73 persen memiliki akun pada lokapasar digital, dan 82 persen berpromosi melalui internet. Untuk itu perlu adanya jaminan perlindungan bagi kegiatan ekonomi UMKM,” kata Teten dalam keterangan resmi di Jakarta, dikutip dai Antara, Rabu 26 Oktober.
He said safe digital economy activities also encourage the achievement of financial inclusion. So that MSMEs can get real benefits, such as easy access to better financial services and understanding of digital literacy.
He also said that the inclusion approach from upstream to downstream and the synergy of the digital ecosystem is the main foundation for the digital transformation of MSMEs to achieve mutual prosperity in the digital era.
"Digitalization certainly helps MSMEs in increasing competitiveness, developing businesses, and becomes the foundation for Indonesia to optimize economic potential," he added.
The Minister of Cooperatives further said that the government is currently preparing a digital economy policy that is more open to protecting the domestic e-commerce industry, consumers, and MSME players for the sustainability of the country's digital economy.
Teten lantas menyebutkan partsa pasar ekonomi digital Indonesia diprediksi mencapai 146 miliar dolar AS atau setara Rp2,276 triliun dan menjadi yang terbesar di Asia Tenggara pada 2025. Bahkan Penelit McKinsey menyatakan, penjualan bisa meningkat hingga 60 persen jika melakukannya melalui e-commerce dan sociocommerce. Kemudian dari sisi layanan keuangan, jumlah nilai pinjaman dalam fintech mencapai Rp 19,06 triliun.
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