JAKARTA - PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk together with PT PLN (Persero) are working together to present a Public Electric Vehicle Charging Station (SPKLU) at BRI Headquarters, Central Jakarta.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo appreciated BRI's intention to strengthen the implementation of ESG by providing SPKLU. "Hopefully with this collaboration BRI's good intentions to go green can be effectively launched and operated. And also BRI's dream of holistic, prospering the people, making a profit, and the dream of going green can be achieved," he said in his remarks, Tuesday, October 25.

Meanwhile, BRI President Director Sunarso revealed that BRI continues to be oriented in strengthening the implementation of Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG). Through the provision of this SPKLU, his party hopes that this BRI initiative can make it easier for electric vehicle users and at the same time encourage other people who have not used electric vehicles to switch immediately to reduce carbon emissions.

The development of this SPKLU is a form of synergy between PLN and BRI to increase enthusiasm and encourage the use of environmentally friendly energy, especially in BRI's head office. This SPKLU development collaboration is also expected to be a link for the new and renewable energy ecosystem that is being developed in the country," explained Sunarso.

Furthermore, Sunarso revealed that BRI is consistently trying to support the government in achieving the net zero emission target by 2060 or sooner and contributing to containing geothermal warming.

He emphasized that in order to achieve and accelerate this, the community needs to be educated. The community needs to be educated what net zero emissions means, so it needs to be communicated. So actually, programs like this must be compiled massively and comprehensively, explanations, to communication strategies," he explained.

BRI also continues to run its business by implementing ESG practices. One of them is in the environmental aspect, where BRI continues to strive to support the government in reducing carbon emissions through the use of electric cars.

"The construction of SPKLU is part of a grand design of infrastructure development to accelerate the transition of fossil energy to renewable energy," he added.

Sunarso added that BRI is a bank institution or financial institution, so that it can be effective in its communication and can be an accelerator, the strategy is made specifically for BRI. In order for the communication to be accepted by the community, BRI's role is to become a role model that is part of a communication strategy.

"So I say, we want to be an accelerator through role modeling," he said.

Just so you know, BRI is noted to have used 30 electric cars in various regional offices (RO) as operational vehicles. Not only that, BRI also uses 50 electric motorbikes used by BRI marketers.

BRI's research shows that apart from being environmentally friendly, the use of electric cars is also more economical than conventional vehicles. The costs incurred by electric cars are five times lower than conventional vehicles.

BRI as a financial institution also plays an active role in encouraging financing for the sustainable sector. Until the second quarter of 2022, as much as IDR 657.1 trillion or equivalent to 65.5 percent of BRI's total credit portfolio has applied the ESG principle.

Furthermore, the Rp74.7 trillion was channeled to the Environmentally Introspected Business Activities (KUBL) sector. This figure makes BRI the bank with the largest financing portfolio in the ESG sector in Indonesia.

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