The National Food Agency (Bapanas) campaigns for the Good Food, Healthy Food, Food B2SA (Various, Balanced and Safe Nutritions) which is simply reflected in the composition of food in the plate.

Head of Bapanas Arief Prasetyo Adi said the campaign in the Nusantara Food Title (GPN) series to commemorate World Food Day 42 was aimed at reducing Food Loss and Waste or waste of food from farm to table.

Adi said that in the campaign the composition was 1/3 of the contents of the plate were staple foods, not necessarily rice, the other 1/3 were vegetables, 1/6 side dishes, and 1/6 fruit.

"This composition is to meet the standards of the Hope Food Pattern (PPH) and the standard Energy Adequacy Rate. In addition, there is also a campaign to reduce Food Loss and Waste or waste food from farm to table," he said.

In the campaign, the Every Day Egg Eat Movement was also carried out to improve community nutrition and reduce stunting prevalence, considering that eggs are foods rich in nutrition and affordable.

The campaign is also related to the love of local foods packaged through drawing competitions for elementary and junior high school students.

He said this year's GPN raised the theme "Together Forming Strong Food, Sovereign Indonesia", which represents the spirit and invitation to the public and all food stakeholders to jointly realize food security as a pillar for the upholding of state sovereignty.

"Through this activity, we want to make World Food Day a momentum to replenish our enthusiasm in building and strengthening national food," he said.

Therefore, he continued, through the Nusantara Food Title, the National Food Agency held a series of educational events, various competitions that encourage vulnerability, to entertainment, all of which contain messages and campaigns around strengthening food.

Meanwhile, to ensure that food security programs run well, Arief invites all food stakeholders from upstream to downstream together with the pentahelix sector consisting of Academics, Business, Government, Community and Media to continue to strengthen collaboration.

"The implementation of GPN on the Brawijaya University campus is also inseparable from efforts to strengthen collaboration between NFA and academics. NFA as an institution that carries out government duties in the food sector, certainly cannot run alone," he said.

As a concrete form of collaboration, in the activity, an MoU was also signed between NFA and Universitas Brawijaya on Education, Research, and Community Service in the Food Sector.

"The collaboration of the food sector at the moment of World Food Day is in line with the direction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, who is very serious in dealing with food problems. The President advised not only to solve problems on a macro and micro basis, but must be detailed, one by one and strengthen collaboration," he said.

Indonesian Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, in his remarks hoped that the implementation of the 2022 GPN could be a stepping point for building synergies in the development of the National Food System.

He requested that the GPN theme "Together Form Strong Food, Sovereign Indonesia" be a joint commitment to implement better food management in the future.

Deputy Governor of East Java Emil Elestianto Dardak in his remarks said that the Nusantara Food Degree was an opportunity to inflame the spirit of supporting food security programs.

"Through today's event, let's encourage enthusiasm, support the National Food Agency program to make the archipelago food more guaranteed, both from supply and demand," he said.

According to Emil, the existence of the National Food Agency in the future is to maintain a balance. Not only to keep prices from rising, but to keep prices from falling.

"The state must be present, that's why there is a National Food Agency. However, the implementation must still be done together, hand in hand," he said.

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