PT Konimex denies the use of Ethilen Glikol (EG) and Dietilen Glikol (DEG) in all medicinal products produced.

EG and DEG are two dangerous ingredients that are now prohibited by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM), because they are suspected of being the trigger for acute kidney failure in children.

"PT Konimex states that all drugs in the form ofrahps that we produce do not use raw materials for EG and DEG," said PT Konimex Chief Executive Officer Rachmadi Joesoef in an official statement, Friday, October 21.

Rachmadi said PT Konimex ensured that the raw materials received from supplier partners who had been partnering for decades met the requirements according to the standard drug book issued by the official government agency (Farmakope).

"We always guarantee the safety and quality of raw materials, the production process and distribution of all lines of products in accordance with the good drug manufacturing methods, including the Termorex product which was first produced 34 years ago," he said.

However, said Rachmadi, PT Konimex understands the anticipatory steps taken by the authorities through the Decree of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (BPOM RI) Number: R-PW., regarding: Termination of Drug Production, Distribution and Revocation (recall), dated October 17, 2022 which we received on October 20, 2022.

"As a form of compliance with PT Konnimex, we are currently preparing steps to stop production, distribution and recall of 60ml Termorex Sirup products with batch numbers: AUG22A06, according to a circular from BPOM," he said.

Rachmadi said, his party is also coordinating with BPOM RI and related parties to ensure that all Konimex products in the preparation of displays have gone through the production process according to Good Manufacturing Practices (CPOB) and are safe for consumption as recommended.

"PT Konimex also always adheres to all policies and rules set by the authorities, to ensure that all lines of our products are safe for the public to consume," he said.

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