JAKARTA - The government focuses on providing integrated services into a comprehensive ecosystem from upstream to downstream.

One of the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) that carried out the transformation was Bank Mandiri through the Livin' by Mandiri super app.

Deputy Minister of SOEs Kartika Wirjoatmodjo said the government's efforts to provide integrated services into a comprehensive ecosystem from upstream to downstream, were accelerated by the massive development of digitalization adaptation processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Through digitalization, the digital ecosystem is accelerating, especially during the pandemic. At the same time, public transactions are getting easier and more automated. Bank Mandiri is one of the SOEs that carries out this transformation through the provision of a Livin' by Mandiri super app which has been integrated with the digital ecosystem," he said in Jakarta, Monday, October 17.

Meanwhile, Director of Corporate Banking Susana Indah Kris Indriati said, entering the 24th age, Bank Mandiri is further strengthening its existence as a leading bank in the wholesale segment through business optimization.

For this reason, Bank Mandiri has consistently focused on intensifying the growth of customer ecosystem-based value chain business.

Through the overall development and optimization of digital, Bank Mandiri has launched Super App Livin' by Mandiri for retail customers and Wholesale Digital Super Platforms for wholesale customers.

Both applications have transformed by providing complete and integrated financial services for customers from all segments.

This is also the company's support for one of the main agendas of the G20 presidency, namely digital-based economic transformation.

Indah explained, Bank Mandiri is also actively sharpening business focus by prioritizing regional potential and synergizing with subsidiaries to become competitive advantages.

"As the bank with the largest wholesale market share, we want to encourage consistent and certainly sustainable business growth," he said, in Jakarta, Monday, October 17.

As a result, in the first eight months of 2022, Bank Mandiri has succeeded in disbursing wholesale loans of IDR 580.18 trillion.

This value grew by 8.36 percent on an annual basis or year on year (yoy) when compared to the period at the end of August 2021.

Bank Mandiri's wholesale credit growth was mainly contributed by the corporate banking segment which reached IDR 353.75 trillion as of August 2022, an increase of IDR 15.8 trillion on an annual basis.

Indah explained, even though the current economic condition is hit by uncertainty, Bank Mandiri is optimistic that Indonesia will still have a source of future economic growth that will still survive the impact of global economic pressure.

"In recent years, Bank Mandiri has focused on optimizing business through the development of services that can reach more corporations in various regions. That way, we hope that economic development and growth in Indonesia will be more equitable," he added.

This, continued Indah, is also in line with the essence of celebrating the 24th Anniversary (HUT) which falls on October 2, 2022 with the aspiration to affirm Bank Mandiri's position as the largest bank with a complete consistency of business transformation.

This anniversary is also a momentum for Bank Mandiri to continue its main focus, namely building and contributing to the country's economy.

"The main key to realizing this is collaboration from all parties. In the future, Bank Mandiri is committed to maintaining and improving services to wholesale customers so that they continue to provide more value to the economy and society," he explained. So Kampiun at the Indonesian Sindication Market

As a leading bank in the wholesale business, Bank Mandiri also continues to encourage contributions to economic development and growth.

This is shown by the success and achievement of Bank Mandiri in the top position as the largest syndicated creditor in Indonesia.

"This achievement is a form of Bank Mandiri's commitment and support in accelerating business expansion and business development of business actors that can contribute directly to the country's economy," he explained.

Referring to Bloomberg League Table Reports data, Bank Mandiri is recorded to occupy the top position as Mandated Lead Arranger (MLA) and Bookrunner, the number of MLA shares in the syndicated market of Bank Mandiri has penetrated 15.6 percent for the period January 1 to October 2, 2022.

In terms of MLA, during that period Bank Mandiri was also managing syndicated financing worth US$3.41 billion.

Meanwhile, in terms of Bookrunner, Bank Mandiri managed to occupy the first position through the acquisition of a market share of 16.86 percent with a total value of 2.3 billion US dollars.

Indah revealed that there are not a few syndicated credit transactions managed by Bank Mandiri, both as MLA and Bookrunners, which involve international financial institutions, not only from domestic financial institutions.

This is because the demand for Indonesian Syndipated Loans abroad is quite high, so Mandiri also cooperates with bank partners abroad to participate in syndicated loans that are arranged by Bank Mandiri.

"As a bank that focuses on wholesale business and ecosystems, Bank Mandiri has strong advantages and commitments in supporting syndicated financing. We hope that this effort can also be a catalyst for sustainable economic growth," he concluded.

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