What Is RON On Fuel? Here Are The Provisions And How To Understand It
Illustration of RON in Fuel (Photo: Twitter @yo2thok)

YOGYAKARTA - The term RON in fuel oil (BBM) is widely discussed by the public after the government raised the price of fuel.

RON or Research Octane Number is always found in the type of gasoline in Indonesia. However, there are still many who do not know what RON is.

Some time ago, viral uploads on social media showed that there was only 86 RON content in Pertalite. Whereas the standard pertalite has a 90-high RON value.

RON or octane value is contained in the explanation of fuel and is always followed by nominal numbers. Each type of gasoline has a different RON value. The value of octane is very important for vehicle users to understand because it affects the process of burning the motor engine.

RON or octane value is the measure of fuel stability. The octane figure of each type of fuel indicates the amount of pressure given until finally the fuel will burn spontaneously.

If the RON gets higher, then the quality of fuel will also be better. If the burning is not perfect or the RON is not right, then it can cause a crust. Then the bad impact can add to the cost of vehicle maintenance. The damaged machine also causes the selling price of the vehicle to decrease.

Determining the value of octane or RON based on the ratio of two chemical compounds, iso-octana which has different structures and traits. Pure Iso-oktana is ranked 100 and n-heptana is ranked zero.

So the mix of 90 percent iso-oktana and 10 percent n-heptana will produce a value of RON 90. The octane figure is getting higher, the more compression of the piston that can be caught burning before the engine turns on.

The accurate size of the RON hyang must refer to standard methods such as the ASTM RON method method. In its testing, the whole process can be validated and the tools used are always calibrated.

The octane value testing standard uses the Fuel Research (CFR) Coordinating machine. The time required in measuring the octane value uses a CFR machine for approximately 2.5 hours. The testing is carried out by operator experts who have certificates.

The way the octan measuring instruments sold on the market work is the principle of calculating the chemical properties of fuel physics whose data is already included in the tool memory database. The results of the work of this tool cannot be used as a reference and are invalid.

There are various levels of RON in each type of fuel in Indonesia, namely RON 89, RON 90, RON 92, RON 95, and RON 98. The following is a list of the values of RON at Pertamina gas stations.


Pertalite has an octane value as high as 90. This type of fuel with RON is suitable for compression of 9:1 to 10:1.


RON Pertamax is at least 92 international standard. RON with this value is recommended for the use of vehicles with a combination of 10:1 to 11:1 or vehicles that already use electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) technology.

Pertamax Turbo

Pertamax Turbo has 98 RON and low sulfur levels so it doesn't damage air quality.

Pertamax Racing

Pertamax Racing has a minimum 100 octane value. This type of RON is recommended for racing vehicles and engine compress vehicles higher than 13:1.

That is the understanding of the RON of BBM and its types at Indonesian gas stations. An understanding of the RON needs to be understood by vehicle users because it is important for vehicle engine maintenance.

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