JAKARTA - The General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT Pertamina (Persero) has confirmed Nicke Widyawati as Pertamina's President Director for the second period.

The determination is stated in a copy of the Decree of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises No. SK-199/MBU/09/2022 concerning the Dismissal and Appointment of Members of the Board of Directors of the Company (Persero) PT Pertamina which was signed Monday, September 19, 2022.

Through the six pillars, Pertamina has recorded several strategic achievements. Among them are as follows:

1. Go Productive & Efficiency

Nicke oversees Pertamina's transformation into Oil and Gas Holding with six Subholdings. so that it becomes more productive and efficient. Pertamina managed to increase the company's capacity upstream with the return of the Rokan block to the motherland's lap, as well as conduct massive and aggressive drilling.

The downstream capacity has also increased by building giant/VLC tankers, 13 new BBM terminals in the Eastern Indonesia region to increase the production capacity of the refinery (Completion of the RDMP Balongan, Blue Sky Cilacap, and TPPI Aromatics projects, as well as the construction of the Balikpapan RDMP, Tuban GRR, and Petrochemical) RDMP projects. The company has also made various efforts to optimize costs so that it can still generate profits despite the pandemic conditions and the world energy crisis.

2. Go Global

Nicke is considered successful in guiding subsidiaries into global players, including by increasing Pertamina's upstream oil and gas operations in 13 countries which can carry 49.9 million barrels of oil into Indonesia, the Pertamina International Shipping fleet has met global standards and expanded trading areas from 8 routes to 11 international routes.

In addition, Pertamina's Green Diesel products also penetrate the world market. Pertamina's performance has received worldwide recognition, which is the only Indonesian company included in the Global Fortune 500.

3. Go Green

During Nicke's leadership, Pertamina built Green Refinery in Dumai and Cilacap, which produces green energy products based on palm oil such as Green Diesel D100 and Bioavtur. EBT's energy mix increased through the construction of PLTS at 238 gas stations (Green Energy Station), PLTS in Kilang and upstream oil and gas blocks.

The decarbonization program in the refinery and in the oil and gas block has succeeded in reducing carbon emissions by around 6.2 million metric tons of CO2. B30 products also succeeded in reducing carbon emissions in the transportation sector. For this achievement, in 2021 Pertamina managed to increase its ESG score so that it was ranked 15th out of 251 world energy companies.

4. Go Collaborative

Pertamina develops collaborations with various parties, both the government, industry and world companies. Among them are realized through collaboration with ExxonMobil for Carbon Capture Utilization & Storage, as well as collaboration with Masdar & ACWA for the development of renewable energy in upstream and refinery work areas.

Collaboration is also carried out with various Ministries to build Pertashop as well as collaboration with domestic industries so that Pertamina Group TKDN reaches 60 percent. Collaboration is also carried out to help the government serve the community in handling the COVID-19 pandemic.

5. Go Digital

Under Nicke's leadership, Pertamina builds digitalization from upstream to downstream. This is evidenced by Pertamina Integrated, Enterprise Data & Command Center (PIEDCC) as a big data center to control Pertamina group performance.

The upstream oil and gas digitization through the Integrated Optimization Section Support Center has also succeeded in significantly reducing production loss. Meanwhile, the digitization of the refinery through the Predirective & Prescriptive Maintenance System has succeeded in increasing fuel production.

Meanwhile, downstream digitization through the New Gantry System in Fuel Terminal, SmartMT in Tank Cars and digitizing all gas stations has succeeded in reducing inses and increasing the reliability of fuel supply throughout Indonesia.

6. Go Sustainable

Nicke leads Pertamina in realizing sustainable growth. Through partnership and technology, Pertamina optimizes Indonesia's natural wealth into new energy, such as coal gasification to become LPG's replacement DME, the development of the EV battery, gas to methanol, and bioethanol ecosystems.

Pertamina also maintains the sustainability of the business ecosystem through increasing TKDN and fostering MSMEs. Energy independence is also encouraged, through independent village programs that take advantage of the potential of local resources.

"I thank all Pertamina Officers for their hard work and support. Hopefully, in this second period we can continue to strengthen consolidation to continue the company's transformation," said Nicke in a statement, Tuesday, October 4.

According to him, the achievements that have been made in the first period are the basis for running programs and pursuing company targets in the second period.

As Pertamina's top management, continued Nicke, he will join hands with all ranks of the Board of Directors and Commissioners and Pertamina Group Officers in carrying out three main strategies this year, namely improving the business performance of existing oil and gas, carrying out the energy transition, and developing new and renewable energy.

"We will continue the energy transition with strategic initiatives and agendas to ensure future energy security while pursuing the aspirations of shareholders, namely achieving a market value of 100 US dollars," concluded Nicke.

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