JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI Mulyanto asked the President to postpone the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) regarding the plan to procure electric service cars for all officials. The reason is, the state's financial condition is still not safe, so we need to be careful in its use.

Procurement of electric vehicles in government agencies requires a large amount of funds. So it's good that the government's funds or budgets are prioritized for urgent needs, such as energy subsidies and food for the community," said Mulyanto in his official statement, Friday, September 30.

He added, in general, the acceleration of the use of electric vehicles has a positive impact, however, in the midst of the limitations of our fiscal space, his party is more likely to judge that it would be better if it postponed the expenditure of the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for the sector.

"On the other hand, in the current economic conditions, the government should prioritize the state budget for more important and urgent needs for the community," he added.

He also suggested that the budget for the procurement of electric vehicles be diverted to energy subsidies, food subsidies, reducing inflation, and others. Not on the contrary, pampering the apparatus with electric cars financed by the state budget.

"Especially if the electric vehicle is held imported or with a low domestic content level. Of course it will burden the state's finances even more," he said.

However, he continued, in the long term, the plan to procure electric vehicles is quite good considering that Indonesia itself has committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 29 percent by 2030, and in 2060 it will enter zero emissions or net zero carbon.

In addition, the use of electric vehicles is a solution to overcome the impact of the global increase in fuel prices. So that fuel consumption can be reduced. Especially when high fuel prices and PLN experience an electric surplus. Electric vehicles may be an attractive choice.

Mulyanto also revealed that efforts to accelerate the use of electric vehicles in the country will have an impact on both the upstream industry such as the electric battery industry, as well as downstream related to the automotive industry. However, Mulyanto asked the Government not to force this program to be implemented now. Because there are many other agendas that according to him are more important and urgent.

As is known, on September 13, President Jokowi officially issued Presidential Instruction Number 7 of 2022 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motorized Vehicles as Vehicles of the Operational and Or Individual Service of Central Government Agencies and Regional Governments.

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