JAKARTA - The rupiah exchange value is at the level of Rp. 15,270 per United States (US) dollar on Thursday, September 29 at 14.30 WIB.

On that day, the rupiah moved in the range of Rp. 15,212 to 15,276 per US dollar.

PLN Director of Distribution Adi Priyanto said the weakening of the rupiah against this dollar would have an impact on the company's finances.

Moreover, Adi continued, PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) also has loans in foreign currency.

"The strengthening of the dollar must have an impact on PLN's profit and loss because some of our loans are foreign currency," he said at the Ministry of SOEs, quoted Friday, September 30.

Regarding his financial condition, Adi admitted that he had spoken with the Director of Finance and Risk Management of PLN, Sinthya Roesly.

He said PLN's financial condition was still safe.

"But this morning we discussed with the finance director, we can still control it well," he said.

Furthermore, Adi said, if the rupiah exchange rate is still at the level of Rp. 15,000, then the PLN condition is still under control.

"If (the corruption) is around Rp. 15,000, we are still under control," he said.

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