JAKARTA - Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board for Religious Affairs, KH Ahmad Fahrur Rozi assessed that subsidies for the poor were considered as part of orders from Islamic law.

He said the poor in zakat were the main objects, including those related to subsidies.

Ahmad Fahrur said the transfer of subsidies to the poor was a sharia order. He said that in zakat, the poor are the main objects, including those related to subsidies.

"In Islamic fiqh, only underprivileged people can be helped. So when the government transfers fuel subsidies, it is also for people who can't afford it," explained Gus Fahrur to reporters, Sunday, September 18, 2022.

Deputy Chairperson of the MUI, KH Marsudi Syuhud also said that fuel price adjustments were made for the sustainability of the state and the benefit of the community.

"Subsidized fuel conditions used by consumers who do not have the right to avoid (via transfer) and according to Islamic teachings, namely prioritizing the benefit of the people," said Marsudi.

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