Investment Realization In Karawang Melesat, Agung Podomoro Mililik Konglomerat Trihatma Haliman Speed Property Project
Photo: Doc. Antara/agung Podomoro

JAKARTA - PT Agung Podomoro Land Tbk accelerated the construction of a new existing property and innovation project in the West Java Karawang region. Through this step, the company wants to attract property investment in the region as well as help encourage the recovery of the domestic economy.

Marketing Director Agung Podomoro Agung Wirajaya said the management's decision to choose Karawang was property investment because the area was supported by massive infrastructure development.

The increase in investment in Indonesia, including Karawang, will also increase the price of property in the region. Moreover, the city of Karawang will become a new metropolitan city in the middle of the city of Megapolitan.

"The AGO Podomoro believes that the development of Agung Podomoro's property products in Karawang will encourage property investment in the area. Evidently, every property product launched by Agung Podomoro is always in demand by the market," Agung said in his statement quoted by Antara, Thursday, September 15.

The economy in Karawang is one of the main factors to see how prospective the property sector is there. The realization of investment which increased to Rp26.63 trillion or 111.16 percent in 2021 in Karawang has an impact on increasing the number of labor absorptions to the number of expatriates in the region.

"The potential of Karawang to advance to class in the long term is very wide open. One of the indicators is the increasing number of expatriates from various countries along with the realization of investment from world-class companies in Karawang. Practically the need for comfortable and quality housing is increasingly needed," said Agung.

President Jokowi stated that Karawang has a very central role as access and a new economic center outside Jakarta. For this reason, as a property developer, Agung Podomoro is ready to collaborate with the Karawang Government and other private parties to continue to innovate property and strengthen the Karawang economy.

The existing products of property companies belonging to conglomerate Trihatma Haliman located in Karawang include Kertabumi City and Grand Taruma Commercial which have become part of solutions for residential areas and modern businesses.

The issuer with the stock code APLN introduced a new innovation product, namely Podomoro Parkland, which is an integrated independent area. The presence of the area will complement the property industry ecosystem and is considered to be able to increase the positive outlook for property investment in Karawang.

"Karawang is The Future is a big initiative that Agung Podomoro presents to demonstrate our commitment to presenting products that are always adaptive and solutionable according to the needs of today's society," said Agung.

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