JAKARTA The commotion of damaged money being eaten by termites that occurred in Solo recently made people need to know how to store the medium of exchange correctly. The reason is, damage to money will be the full responsibility of the owner.

However, Bank Indonesia (BI) as the authority to regulate money circulation in the country provides a replacement policy if the public wants to exchange damaged money.

"The provisions regarding the exchange of rupiah currency are damaged/cat listed in Bank Indonesia Regulation Number 21/10/PBI/2019 concerning Rupiah Money Management and Member Regulation of the Board of Governors Number 19/13/PADG/2017 concerning Exchange of Rupiah Money," said the central bank quoted from the official website on Thursday, September 15.

However, it is necessary to understand some of the provisions that must be met by the community. The following editorials summarize some of the requirements in question.

1. Damaged/disabled money is rupiah money whose size or physical size has changed/different from the original size, which include burning, cavities, partially lost, torn or broken.

2. Damaged/disabled money can be exchanged if the certificate of authenticity can still be known or recognized, such as banknotes with physical conditions greater than 2/3 (two-thirds) of the original size.

3. Both serial numbers on broken banknotes are complete and the same

4. If the physical banknote is equivalent to or less than 2/3 (two-thirds) of the original size, then no replacement will be given.

5. Meanwhile, for coins, the physical is still larger than the original 1/2 (one by two) size

6. If the physical coin is the same as or less than 1/2 (one by two) the original size then it is not given a replacement.

7. The money was damaged/disabled in part because the burning was given a replacement with the same nominal value, as long as according to research, Bank Indonesia can still be recognized for its authenticity.

8. Shearn a certificate from the local kelurahan or police station to declare it true that the money was on fire.

9. Bank Indonesia does not provide compensation if the money is allegedly damaged or burned on purpose.

10. Bank Indonesia does not provide compensation for money lost or destroyed for any reason.

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