JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan invites shoe companies with Nike trademarks to build factories in Sumatra. According to him, the Nike shoe factory is only concentrated on the island of Java.

In fact, other regions have the same potential to be able to develop, including in industrial mining. "Earlier I asked Mr. Joseph (Director of Nike Indonesia) how come (the factories) are all in Java? In Sumatra there is no such thing, Sumatra is Lampung to Medan," he said at the event of releasing the export of Nike shoes to the Netherlands, in North Serpong, South Tangerang City, Tuesday, September 13.

Zulhas, as Zulkifli Hasan is familiarly called, asked Nike to consider building a factory in the Sumatra region. Moreover, wages in this area are much cheaper than in Jakarta and Tangerang.

Furthermore, Zulhas recommended Lampung as a place for the Nike factory. Moreover, he continued, the location of the Lampung area is not far from Jakarta.

"I think it is also necessary to think that Sumatra also has one factory and in Sumatra the UMR is cheaper than Java below IDR 2 million. So the closest one is in Lampung. So if you can open it in Lampung, because that's my village. I support opening in Lampung, the population is 10 million," he class.

The general chairman of PAN also admitted that he was ready and willing to become a bridge so that shoe manufacturers would open factories in Lampung Province.

"I pray that it will continue and we support PT Pratama Abadi to develop and pray that later one (factorie) can open in Sumatra, in Lampung. If you need a partner, later I can find a partner there. If necessary, if not, go ahead," he said.

Previously, Zulhas emphasized that labor-intensive industries are very important for Indonesia. This is because this industry has absorbed a lot of workforce. For example, the Nike shoe factory in Garut, which has absorbed 40,000 employees.

Therefore, continued Zulhas, the government will continue to support labor-intensive industries in the country to survive. Not enough to survive, but also develop even better.

"We, the government, will certainly support as much as we can so that this labor-intensive industry continues to survive and develop," he said.

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