JAKARTA - The provision of Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) or salary subsidy BLT of IDR 600,000 per person is starting to be distributed today.

The budget for BLT subsidies is Rp9.6 trillion. Cash assistance of Rp600,000 will be distributed to as many as 16 million workers in Indonesia.

However, not all workers can receive this BLT. The condition for workers who can receive the assistance is that those who have a maximum salary of IDR 3.5 million per month.

Previously, the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah revealed that BSU recipients of IDR 600,000 were not only workers with salaries below IDR 3.5 million per month, but also workers who received salaries equivalent to or below the provisions of their regional minimum wage.

Ida also guaranteed that the assistance received by workers would not be reduced.

This is because the aid is directly transferred to the account of the beneficiary.

"We believe there was no leakage. Because the money was immediately transferred to the accounts of the recipients. So we didn't stop anywhere, the Ministry of Manpower didn't stop by, so the money was after we distributed it to the channeling bank, namely Himbara Bank from Himbara, directly to the account of the worker, the account was the recipient of the program," he said in a virtual discussion, Tuesday, September 6.

These are the requirements for receiving BLT Salary Subsidy Rp600,000:

1. Indonesian Citizens (WNI) as evidenced by ownership of the Ownership Number (NIK).2. Active participants of BPJS Employment until July 2022.3. Have a maximum salary or wage of IDR 3.5 million or the minimum wage of the district/city province.4. Not (PNS), TNI or Polri.5. Have not received the pre-employment card program, family hope program, and productive assistance for micro-enterprises

Meanwhile, for those of you who want to check the prospective BSU recipients or BLT salary subsidy 2022, IDR 600,000 as follows:

1. Visit the kemnaker.go.id2. Register an account. If you don't have an account, then you have to register. Complete account registration. Activate the account using the OTP code which will be sent to your mobile number.3. Login into your account4. Complete your profile such as profile photos, about you, your marriage status, and location type5. Check notification

Check notifications, you will receive notifications whether they include 'Prospective BLT recipients of salary subsidies or not.

BSU recipients will receive a notification of distribution to be checked through the official website of the Ministry of Manpower, then entered with a registered account.

If you meet the requirements for receiving the 2022 BSU or salary subsidy BLT but are not registered, immediately contact the BPJS Employment contact center on the bpjsketenagakerjaan.go.id website, telephone at number 175 or WhatsApp at +6281380070175.

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