JAKARTA - Director of PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BCA) Haryanto T Budiman said the government's adjustment to the price of fuel oil (BBM) did not affect the company's credit distribution.

He is optimistic that credit distribution will continue to grow to reach the target of 8 percent to 10 percent in 2022.

"There is no impact, this (credit distribution) is so far so good. We are frankly still confident in lending (in 2022)," said Haryanto at the Road to BCA Wealth Summit 2022 in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, September 6.

He said this optimism was reflected in the increasing ratio of low-cost funds or current account and saving accounts (CASA) until entering the third quarter of this year which was recorded at 81 percent.

"So the dependence on deposit rates is not too high," said Haryanto.

He explained that banking transactions continued to increase after the easing of public mobility in the post-COVID-19 pandemic.

Haryanto said that the fuel price adjustment made by the government was also aimed at improving the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

"So this policy has been taken by the government, yes to make our budget healthy. I think we should support it, because this is indeed to make the budget healthy and the government has thought about it carefully," said Haryanto.

He said various policies had to be taken in the midst of the current global economic uncertainty. With that, his party will continue to support efforts to restore the national economy.

As is known, President Joko Widodo said that the fuel price adjustment was the last step chosen by the government in an effort to protect the public from oil price fluctuations at the global level.

He decided that the fuel subsidy budget would be diverted to social support (bansos), so that it could be more targeted. The government itself has poured an additional social assistance budget of IDR 24.17 trillion as a diversion of fuel subsidies.

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