YOGYAKARTA The type of fuel at Vivo gas stations is interesting to note, because the price is cheaper than subsidized fuel sold at a public fuel station owned by PT Pertamina (Persero) Tbk.

It is known, the government on Saturday, September 3, 2022 officially increased the price of subsidized fuel. Pertalite type fuel is sold for Rp. 10,000 per liter. Previously, this subsidized fuel was set by Pertamina for Rp. 7,650 per liter.

Meanwhile, the price of Solar has also increased, from the previous Rp5,150 per liter to Rp6,800 per liter.

In the midst of the increase in fuel prices sold at Pertamina gas stations, in online media, there is a lot of discussion about the price of fuel sold at Rp. 8,900 per liter. The fuel oil, which is sold cheaper than the price of Pertalite, is sold by a gas station network owned by a private company, namely the Vivo gas station.

Types of fuel at the Vivo gas station

The fuel sold at Vivo gas stations is the only fuel whose price is still below Pertalite. The type of fuel is Vivo Revvo 89 which is priced at Rp. 8,900 per liter, quoted by VOI from Kompas, Monday, September 5, 2022.

However, when compared to Pertalite, Vivo Revvo 89 has lower octane. In addition, Pertalite is also a fuel subsidized by the government.

The Vivo gas station provides non-subsidized fuel and only sells general fuel.

Overall, there are three types of fuel sold at Vivo gas stations, including:

The type of fuel at the Vivo gas station, which is the cheapest price, is Revvo 89. This fuel is sold for Rp. 8,900 per liter. Revvo 89 has a research octana number (Research Octane Number/RON) of 89. The figure is slightly below Pertalite which has RON 90.

Oktan is a number that shows the level of tapping (checking) generated by the fuel room when a fire occurs.

The number of octane in RON is obtained through research in the laboratory. The higher the octane value, the better the quality in burning in the engine room, especially for the latest excise cars.

When compared to the latest Pertalite price, which is currently set at Rp. 10,000 per liter, then the price of Revvo 89 is cheaper at around Rp. 1,100 per liter than Pertalite.

Although it is considered unusual in some countries because the price of fuel that has an octane below 90 is difficult to find, Revvo 89 is still included in the specifications of fuel that is allowed to circulate in Indonesia.

Fuel Quality Comparison at Vivo and Pertamina gas stations

In terms of quality, Revvo 89 sold at Vivo gas stations is much better than Premium (RON 88) and one figure below Pertalite (RON 90).

Meanwhile, the other type of fuel sold by Vivo gas station, Revvo 92 (RON 92), has the same quality as Pertamax. However, for Revvo 95 (RON 95), the quality is still below the Pertamax Turbo (RON 98).

For additional information, fuel oil with RON 95 is gasoline that is commonly sold in neighboring countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.

The government through the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has determined the specifications of fuel that can be circulated domestically through the decision of the Director General of Oil and Gas. The types of fuel are RON 48, RON 88, RON 90, Avtur, Kerosin, and fuel oil.

That's information about the type of fuel at the Vivo gas station and the comparison of the price to the fuel oil sold by Pertamina. Which fuel do you choose?

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