AMBON - President Director of PT Bank Maluku-North Maluku Syahrisal Imbar emphasized that his party is trying to comply with the regulations of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) which requires banks to have a minimum capital of IDR 3 trillion until the end of 2024.

Syahrisal sekalligus' statement denied that the BUMD received a loan of IDR 1.5 trillion from Bank DKI Jakarta.

"We don't need a loan and all that exists is an effort to comply with OJK Regulation Number 12/POJK.03/2020 on the valid date 17 March 2020 which requires all banks in Indonesia to have a capital of IDR 3 trillion until the end of 2024," he said. reported by Antara, Tuesday 30 August.

OJK Regulation Regulation Regulation Number 12 /POJK.03/2020 dated 17 March 2020.

So it's not only Bank Maluku-North Maluku but in total there are 14 Regional Development Banks in Indonesia, including many private banks whose capital has not yet reached IDR 3 trillion.

The scenario taken by BM-Malut is to expect capital deposits from company shareholders, namely the provincial and district/city governments, but apparently the scenario cannot run.

So that a second scenario appears, namely KUB or Bank Business Groups that cooperate with other banks and are not included in the form of loans.

"Bank Maluku-Malut actually has excess funds so they don't borrow and now it's only limited to exploring cooperation," he said.

Even if it is included in the capital investment category, there will be not many and will not take over the role of Maluku Province as the majority stake.

"The Maluku Provincial Government as the controlling shareholder in BUMD currently owns 43 percent and even if there is another bank entering, it does not lend funds to us but only includes capital," he said.

Bank Maluku-Malut once did the same thing with BNI 46 in 1998-2000 where BNI 46 assisted in capital participation and after being declared strong, the cooperation ended.

"Maybe they only gave Rp. 100 million or Rp. 200 million, so they didn't say they borrowed because they only included capital and there would be a profit sharing if there was an advantage," said Syahrisal.

So it is not true that there is a loan but capital investment whose value is below the shares belonging to the Maluku Provincial Government is 43 percent, and the capital investment is between 20-25 percent.

"Because this is only limited to capital participation and there are no consequences, because later BM-Malut will be strong and the same as other banks in Indonesia there will be an agreement. So there is no loan of IDR 1.5 trillion from Bank DKI," he said.

This capital investment is not necessarily carried out with Bank DKI but also conducted assessments with Bank Jabar, Banten, DKI, and other banks, and the stages began in 2023-2024, only an assessment was carried out for the MoU and a Regional Regulation, as well as the GMS.

Then the MoU, which if it has been made, could be canceled again if the cooperation stage is not completed and there is no approval from the local government.

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