JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has stated that false subpoena information from loans to bad debtors circulating on social media is not true or is a hoax.
This was conveyed by the authority considering that there was an OJK logo in the summons in question.
"OJK has never issued subpoenas and online loan collections to consumers. Be careful of illegal online loans bearing the OJK logo or other authorities," the institution led by Mahendra Siregar explained on the official Twitter on Friday, August 26.
In order to obtain definite information, OJK encourages consumers to confirm the truth of the information through the channels provided.
"Make sure the information regarding OJK is correct by contacting OJK 157 @kontak157, telephone 157, WhatsApp 081157157157 or email consumer@ojk.go.id," the authority wrote.
Similarly, Bank Indonesia (BI) also refused to be involved in the loan summons letter to the debtor.
According to the monetary authority, trying to use the logo of Bank Indonesia is an illegal act.
"Therefore, the оmаѕі line can be declared as a аа е е е е о о е е е оа оа еа, the bank's Instagram page is irresponsible for the benefit of the company.
In addition, indications of the falsity of the subpoena are reflected in the misunderstanding of the central bank's function, which is completely unrelated to lending.
"Bank Indonesia is not the supervisory authority for online lending activities. If you encounter a similar mode, always make sure the legality of the online loan is official so that it will not be harmed in the future," said BI.
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