JAKARTA - PT Asuransi Tri Pakarta (TRIPA) managed to record a performance that continues to grow even in the midst of economic conditions marked by the threat of recession and global economic uncertainty.

This general insurance company, which is majority-owned by the BNI Pension Fund (Dapen), will be 44 years old on August 21, 2022. On this 44th Anniversary, TRIPA carries the theme "synergy, collaboration and achievement".

Through this spirit, it is hoped that TRIPA can synergize and collaborate with all existing stakeholders and shareholders, so that it can become a leading and trusted insurance company.

In his remarks, GC Koen Yulianto, President Director of TRIPA, said he did not want to be complacent and stop at the current achievements.

"We want to live another 1000 years," said Koen in his statement, Monday, August 22.

Koen said, to realize this desire, efforts are made by synergizing, collaborating and achieving, both internally and externally.

"Internally, we will never be divided again, we will never stand alone again, we are a big family that binds each other, synergizes, collaborates and achieves. Then from the external side, we always try our best to make initiations. "New initiatives, synergize and collaborate with various institutions and parties who support each other," he explained.

On August 24, 2022, we will synergize and collaborate with BNI. There are several collaborations that will be signed in the series of TRIPA's 44th Anniversary, namely the signing of e-bonds for bank guarantee tenders, signing of cash management cooperation, especially virtual accounts, signing of the BNI Xpora credit insurance network, and signing of referral cooperation with BNI Life, " added Koen.

Through synergies and collaborations, as well as new business initiations, Koen targets TRIPA to advance to class, namely as an insurance company with premiums of IDR 1 trillion to IDR 2.5 trillion.

"We want to grow faster and advance in class. It is targeted that the gross premium written (GPW) will penetrate Rp. 2.5 trillion in 2024. In the future, we will also initiate various new businesses outside the captive market," said Koen.

In the last 5 years TRIPA has been able to grow rapidly and sustainably. This can be seen from the company's financial and operational performance. In fact, TRIPA also received a Golden Award from Infobank as an appreciation for excellent performance in 5 consecutive years.

In the midst of the pressure of the pandemic since 2020 until now, TRIPA's performance remains positive and growing. In 2021, the net profit achieved was Rp61.38 billion, and GPW reached Rp934 billion. As of July 2022, TRIPA's net profit has reached Rp.

In addition to spurring business, TRIPA also continues to strive for health and business efficiency.

"In addition to our Risk Based Capital (RBC) which we always maintain above 150 percent, we also have a very good Combined Operating Ratio (COR) above the industry average. Currently our RBC is at 154 percent, while our COR until July 2022 it is at 81.24 percent, where the insurance industry average reaches more than 90 percent," said Koen.

Meanwhile, he continued, until July 2022, TRIPA's net underwriting results reached Rp38.49 billion. Then in terms of investment returns, it reached Rp. 19.1 billion. In addition, TRIPA is one of the insurance companies with low insurance claims, especially for property.

"It means, we are quite efficient and profitable," concluded Koen.

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