JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked regional heads to know the position of inflation in their respective regions. So if there is a beaver whose price is rising rapidly, the local government must immediately find a solution.

Jokowi also warned that regional heads should not understand inflation. He said he would directly ask about inflation during a working visit to the region.

"The provinces must know what number my inflation position is. Later when I go to the regions, I ask, don't be nervous, don't understand what the inflation position of the province is. You have to know which ones are high (price of goods), which ones are not in a normal position, which ones are at a higher level. low position," he said at the opening of the 2022 National Coordination Meeting for Inflation Control, broadcast from the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Thursday, August 18.

On this occasion, Jokowi also asked the Central Inflation Control Team (TPIP) and the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) to monitor prices of basic necessities more frequently.

Furthermore, Jokowi said, if the problem is the scarcity of supply, then regions with excess supply of basic needs can share.

"Ask in our area what prices are rising which causes inflation. It could be rice, it could be red onions, it could be. It could be chili and check TPIP, check which regions have an abundant supply of chili or an abundant supply of rice, this must be continued. "This must be connected, because this country is very big," he said.

The former governor of DKI Jakarta also mentioned five provinces whose inflation is still very high, even above 5 percent.

Jokowi asked regional heads in the region to be careful.

The five regions in question are Jambi, West Sumatra, Bangka Belitung, Riau and Aceh.

Of the five regions, Jambi became the area with the highest inflation reaching 8.55 percent.

"The province of Jambi is cautious at 8.55 percent. West Sumatra is at 8.01 percent; Bangka Belitung is 7.77 percent; Riau is 7.04 percent; Aceh is 6.97 percent. Look in detail what caused this, so that we can solve it together and can drop below 5 again, thankfully it can be below 3," he said.

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