JAKARTA - PT Barito Pacific Tbk through the philanthropic foundation Bakti Barito Foundation, provides support to the student organization Mapala UI in carrying out their annual activity, namely the University of Indonesia Building Nusa (UIMN). This step is considered by the company owned by conglomerate Prajogo Pangestu to be very relevant to support integrated waste management and a circular economy.

One of the activities of the Mapala UI students is advocating for a circular economy through the Trash to Cash program and community development in Sumbawa Regency, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB).

Other community development programs include holding the Nusantara Reading House program, as well as encouraging the emergence of new MSMEs that focus on supplying unique souvenirs from Dusun Prajak which are made from seaweed.

“Universitas Indonesia Bangun Nusa or UIMN is a visionary activity concept, and has a mission to be an example for other students to become a trigger for sustainable social change. The UIMN concept that carries the value of Effectiveness, Synergy, and Sustainability in each of its project activities is a sufficient foundation to provide a sustainable positive impact in the 3T area," said Tries Apriliando, as the chief executive of UIMN in his statement, Wednesday 17 August.

Regarding Trash to Cash, this program supports waste management in Labuhan Badas District, Sumbawa Regency, NTB which so far has not been optimal. Therefore, with the Trash to Cash Program, it is hoped that a circular economy will occur, one of which is by managing plastic waste which still has high economic value.

Member of the Board of Trustees of the Bakti Barito Foundation, Rudy Suparman said, the UIMN program is in line with one of Bakti Barito's main programs in the circular economy, namely Bakti Barito Environmental Management which aims to develop responsible consumption behavior and education about waste management.

"Through the Environmental Management Service Program, Bakti Barito seeks to provide an understanding of proper plastic waste management to the community," added Rudy Suparman.

The Bakti Barito Foundation is a philanthropic foundation that focuses on providing meaningful benefits for all interests today and tomorrow, through activities in the fields of education, environment, economy and social.

The circular economy aims to help address global challenges such as climate change, loss of biodiversity, waste and pollution.

The Bakti Barito Foundation program is also a form of support for the Indonesian government to reduce unmanaged waste by 70 percent by 2030, and reduce marine plastic leakage by 2025.

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