JAKARTA - The Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) project will again receive funding from the government through state capital participation (PMN). The additional funds ranged from Rp. 2.6 trillion to Rp. 3.1 trillion.

The chairman of the DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar) Said Abdullah said the government was determined to complete the project even though the costs had increased. Because if this project is not continued, it will stall.

"If it doesn't continue, it's stuck. State budget money is getting wasted, what's the choice? It's really complicated, imagine that tens of trillions have been used up and even abandoned, even though the completion is in June 2023," he told reporters at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 16.

Said said the KCJB project still requires a budget of approximately Rp. 3.1 trillion due to cost overruns. Therefore, continued Said, Banggar is preparing additional PMN to PT Kereta Api Indonesia to finance the KCJB project.

For your information, the PMN is outside the PMN that was previously given to KAI, which is Rp. 4.1 trillion.

"There are two schemes, the first assertion is Rp. 2.6 trillion. The second assertion is IDR 3.1 trillion. Banggar is still considering which one is the best," he explained.

Said said, Banggar will discuss the addition of PMN to KAI for the KCJB project in the near future.

"God willing, in the near future, we will speed up the fast train," he said.

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said that the cost overrun or the cost overrun for the Jakarta Bandung Fast Train (KCJB) project could rise again next year. This, said Erick, if the KCJB project is postponed again.

"The fast train is the same, if this KCJB continues to be delayed, the construction price next year will be even more expensive. This means that it must be completed immediately,” said Erick at the National Library, quoted on Thursday, August 4.

For your information, the swelling of the KCJB project reached 8 billion dollars. The cost is an increase of 1.9 billion dollars from the initial 6.07 billion dollars.

The progress of the KCJB project work has reached 85 percent, and there are still some tunnel 2 works, pre loading, track laying and station completion.

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