JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has officially increased the tariff for online motorcycle taxis (ojol) in three zones.

This is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Transportation (KM) Number KP 564 of 2022 concerning Guidelines for Calculation of Service Fees for the Use of Motorcycles Used for the Interest of the Community carried out by Application.

The Director General of Land Transportation, Hendro Sugiatno, said that with this regulation, application companies were asked to immediately make tariff adjustments.

Just so you know, KM Number KP 564 of 2022 replaces KM Number KP 348 of 2019.

This new rule will be a temporary guideline for setting the upper and lower fare limits for online motorcycle taxis.

"In KM Number KP 564 of 2022, we have evaluated the latest tariff limits that apply to online motorcycle taxis. In addition, the zoning system still applies 3 zoning," he said as quoted on Tuesday, August 9.

The three zoning divisions are:

a. Zone I: Sumatra, Java (other than Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi), and Bali;

b. Zone II: Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi;

c. Zone III: Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara and its surroundings, Maluku and Papua.

The online motorcycle taxi fare per zoning is as follows:

The amount of the Zone I Service Fee is the lower limit service fee of IDR 1,850 per km and the upper limit service fee of IDR 2,300 per km.

Minimum service fee with service fee range between Rp9,250 to Rp11,500.

Meanwhile, the amount of the Service Fee for Zone II is the lower limit service fee of IDR 2,600 per km and the upper limit service fee of IDR 2,700 per km.

Minimum service fee with a service fee range between Rp. 13,000 to Rp. 13,500.

For Zone III service fees, the lower limit service fee is IDR 2,100 per km, the upper limit service fee is IDR 2,600 per km, the minimum service fee with a service fee range is between IDR 10,500 to IDR 13,000.

When compared to the previous regulation, Ministerial Decree (KM) KP 348 of 2019, the minimum service fee for all zones was recorded to have increased.

Furthermore, Hendro said, in its implementation, the amount of this service fee can later be evaluated at the latest every 1 year.

"Or if there is a change that greatly affects business continuity which results in a change in basic costs of more than 20 percent," explained Hendro.

In accordance with the regulation KM KP 564 of 2022, the tariff-forming components consist of direct and indirect costs. Where direct costs are costs incurred by the driver-partner and include the driver-partner's profit and indirect costs are in the form of rental fees for the use of application company applications at a maximum of 20 percent.

Hendro said, the service fee listed in the attachment is a service fee that has received an indirect fee discount in the form of application user rental fees.

"The application company applies the new lower limit service fee, the upper limit service fee, and the minimum service fee based on the zoning system no later than 10 (ten) calendar days after this ministerial decision is stipulated," said Hendro.

The regulation was issued on August 4, meaning that it will be effective from August 14.

With this service fee adjustment, the Ministry of Transportation also requests that application companies are required to improve service standards while still providing guarantees for security and safety aspects.

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