JAKARTA - PT Bio Farma launched a book containing stories about the process of getting the COVID-19 vaccine entitled "Contributions to the Country in the Time of a Pandemic".

President Director of PT Bio Farma Honesti Basyir said the book could be a lesson, especially for Bio Farma company people, to be able to collaborate to come up with a solution.

"This was assisted by Mas Yuswohady (the editor), and all of the BOD (directors) helped in the production of this book, so this book collaborates from BOD to other employee bodies," said Honesti at the PT Bio Farma Office, Bandung City, West Java, quoted from Antara, Saturday 6th August.

The 210-page book tells about the process and challenges in bringing vaccines to the country and the process of distributing it to all regions in Indonesia which is not easy.

In addition, the book also answers why PT Bio Farma can cooperate with a vaccine manufacturer from China, namely Sinovac. According to Honesti, the book was compiled for four months.

Then in addition to company affairs, the book also tells about the personal experiences of each of the characters in the book regarding the drive to be able to present a COVID-19 vaccine in Indonesia.

"Our personal experiences that make us excited, seeing our family, our friends, who are also in trouble because of the pandemic," he said.

The book was launched to celebrate the 132nd Anniversary of PT Bio Farma. According to him, the book is not sold to the general public, but can be accessed by people who want to read it.

"This does not exist in lectures, this is all a matter of learning life, how we can overcome together, so that we can provide extraordinary lessons. Not only physical (learning), but also spiritual things that we can learn," Honesti said.

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