JAKARTA - PT Tiki Jalur Nugraha Eka Kurir (JNE) said the president's social assistance rice which was damaged and buried in Depok, West Java, amounted to 3.4 tons. The total value reached Rp. 37 million.

The rice has been completely replaced and becomes the property of JNE.

Through his attorney, Hotman Paris Hutapea said, the distribution of presidential social assistance was carried out from May to June 2020.

To speed up the distribution of the social assistance rice, Bulog is collaborating with a third party, namely PT Store Send Elogistics Indonesia (SSI) as the winner of the tender for the distribution of the presidential social assistance program.

Then, SSI collaborated with JNE as a transporter or delivery person for social assistance to beneficiary families (KPM).

The contract between SSI and JNE was carried out on April 30, 2020. Then JNE distributed it in May-June 2020.

Hotman said, JNE received a contract to distribute 6,199 tons of rice to 247,997 KPM in Depok, West Java.

However, Hotaman was reluctant to mention how much of the contract value JNE got from the distribution of the presidential social assistance in the form of rice.

In the distribution of the presidential social assistance, said Hotman, there was damage due to the weather. Of the 6,199 tons of rice that had to be distributed, 3.4 tons were damaged or 0.05 percent.

According to the cooperation agreement, said Hotman, damaged rice must be fully replaced by JNE. Replacement of rice is done by asking Bulog for additional rice through SSI by including a report on the damage to rice.

Hotman said, the damaged rice occurred in May 2020 and the rice was buried in November 2021. JNE, Hotman continued, had distributed new rice to KPM.

"The 3.4 tons (value) is around Rp. 37 million, and it (replaced by) is deducted from our honorarium," Hotman said at a press conference, at Pantai Mutiara, Jakarta, Thursday, August 4.

Hotman admitted that the damaged rice was not buried immediately, but was stored in the JNE storage warehouse in the period of May 2020.

He said the consideration for storage in the warehouse was due to the precautionary principle.

In November 2021, Hotman continued, JNE decided to bury the damaged social assistance rice in a land in Depok.

Considerations buried for efficiency and so as not to be abused.

“People usually stockpile in warehouses and then sell them. This is rice that is put into the ground, the package is immediately opened, it will be damaged. There is no intention to make a profit," said Hotman.

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