JAKARTA - PT Dayamitra Telekomunikasi (Mitratel) and PT Telekomunikasi Selular (Telkomsel) have signed a Sale and Purchase Agreement for the transfer of ownership or acquisition of 6.000 telecommunication towers owned by Telkomsel with a transaction value of IDR 10.28 trillion.
"The transfer of 6.000 telecommunication towers can be the main capital for market expansion and support the acceleration of 5G network implementation in Indonesia," said Mitratel President Director Theodorus Ardi Hartoko at a Media Gathering in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, August 3.
Theodorus, who is familiarly called Teddy, said that the addition of the acquisition brought Mitratel's total telecommunication towers to more than 34.800 towers. The two agreements follow previous corporate actions that were completed in 2020 and 2021 totaling 10.050 units of telecommunication towers.
A total of 6.000 towers acquired by Mitratel are located in strategic locations spread throughout Indonesia to support the acceleration of additional potential for collocation and development of Tower Related Business.
This is supported by Telkomsel's position as the main long-term tenant and has a high potential for collocation from other telecommunications operators.
As part of the agreement, Mitratel will implement Telkomsel's IoT (internet of things) and Data Analytic services to provide real time operational management of telecommunication towers and proactive power consumption optimization.
“This partnership is expected to be able to further contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions and their impacts. This is a form of Telkomsel's commitment to the Environment, Social and Governance initiative," he said.
Teddy further said that Mitratel has prepared telecommunication infrastructure, be it towers, fiber optics, and power to towers spread throughout Indonesia, especially outside Java, which will provide convenience for telecommunication operators and non-operators to take advantage of the most complete and integrated solution available already owned by Mitratel.
President Director of Telkomsel Hendri Mulya Syam in his statement said that with the agreement of the sale and purchase agreement, Telkomsel further strengthened the company's transformation efforts through the development of a company portfolio in the digital business that was more consistent, comprehensive and strengthened the company's commitment to providing more diverse service innovations.
This determination aims to open up more value-added opportunities for the digital lifestyle ecosystem of the Indonesian people in a more inclusive manner.
"Telkomsel as the leading digital telecommunications company in Indonesia also hopes to further accelerate the strengthening of a more ideal corporate structure in ensuring the implementation of the three digital pillars that are being implemented," he said.
The three pillars, he added, are providers of digital connectivity, digital platforms and digital services that are reliable and always relevant to the development of a more customer-centric digital ecosystem.
In addition to the agreement to transfer ownership of telecommunication towers, there was also a commitment to order construction of new towers from Telkomsel to Mitratel for a total of 1,000 towers in the next three years as well as several other business initiatives such as the use of IoT (Internet of Thing), Green Energy services and other New Ecosystem Tower Businesses.
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