JAKARTA - Transportation observer Djoko Setijowarno said the government must pay attention to the safety aspect of passengers in its efforts to open various rail transportation modes in the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago.

"The principle of prudence in choosing the trace to be built must pay attention to the security aspects of heads of state, state officials, foreign diplomats," Djoko said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, August 2.

According to him, this security aspect needs to be considered because it involves the existence of a state palace as the residence of the president and his family as well as the residence of diplomats from various other countries later.

Djoko said the construction of various train lines is a good effort to support the integration of public transportation routes, pedestrians, cyclists, and people with disabilities in circular city areas.

"Minimizing the use of private transportation. So it's clear there, every 10 minutes, he gets public transportation," said Djoko.

He said the plan to build various train lines is a representation of smart transportation that is suitable to be applied in IKN Nusantara as a circular city.

Launching from the Ministry of Transportation, the government plans to build a cable car type Téléphérique des Capucins like the one in France with a 4.1 kilometer line with four stations and a journey duration of 12 minutes.

With a speed of 20 kilometers per hour and a carrying capacity of 2,000 passengers per hour per direction, the demand for cable car travel is estimated to reach 10 thousand passengers per day or 3.69 million passengers per year.

The government will also build a Trans Kalimantan Railway that connects Simpang Tiga Petung in North Penajam Paser Regency with Aji Prince Tumenggung Pranoto Airport in Samarinda City for 187.98 kilometers and serves as many as 13 stations.

It is estimated that by 2035, this train can carry 2.7 million passengers per year and 4.3 million tons of goods per year.

Then, an Urban Railway will be built that connects Balikpapan City with the Central Government Main Area (KIPP) along 143.33 kilometers which can be reached in 88 minutes. It is estimated that demand in 2040 will reach 4.4 million passengers per year.

There is also an Airport Train connecting Sultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International Airport with KIPP with two projected lines, namely 44.9 km and 65.5 km. The amount of demand in 2030 is estimated to reach 2.5 million to 3.6 million passengers per year.

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