JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) continues to increase its renewable energy mix and will develop a 597 megawatt (MW) wind power plant (PLTB) until 2030.

The development of this environmentally friendly power plant will support the achievement of the new renewable energy mix (EBT) target of 23 percent by 2025, the fulfillment of Indonesia's Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2060.

PLN's Executive Vice President of EBT Planning and Engineering, Cita Dewi said, in developing NRE, it would adjust to system needs and Commercial Operation Date (COD) targets according to the 2021-2030 Electric Power Supply Business Plan (RUPTL).

“Wind energy is indeed attractive, because it has great potential. Now how can we develop it well, because PLTB requires specific data in its development," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, July 27.

Cita explained that PLN as an offtaker needs to get accurate wind measurement data before developing a PLTB.

According to him, PLTB must be prepared in more detail by prioritizing the transparency of development studies.

In addition to development studies, PLTBs are usually located in challenging geographical locations.

"In terms of location, usually in hilly areas with limited infrastructure. This is one of the challenges," said Cita.

So that the development of PLTB needs to be accompanied by the integration of the central and local governments in terms of preparing new infrastructure and improving the quality of infrastructure such as docks, bridges and roads in supporting logistics access during project implementation.

Until 2021, the installed capacity of PLTB in Indonesia will reach 131 MW or 0.1 percent of the energy mix.

In the "green" RUPTL 2021-2030, PLN plans to build a PLTB of 597 MW or about 2.8 percent of the total NRE project.

Cita said, in developing PLTB, PLN also compares competitiveness with applications in an increasingly competitive world in order to get fair and healthy competition.

Recently, PLN has agreed to cooperate in developing the Banten PLTB with the French Development Agency (AFD), which is one of the pilot projects for the development of the first PLTB in Java.

The wind potential that can be managed in this area reaches 350 MW with a gradual development plan according to system requirements.

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