JAKARTA - The Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DJKI) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights said that there were three parties who applied for the registration of the 'Citayam Fashion Week' brand. However, the application registered by Indigo Aditya Nugroho has been revoked.

The Acting Director General of Intellectual Property, Razilu said the Citayam Fashion Week brand had been registered by three parties. They are PT Tiger Wong Entertainment owned by Baim Wong, Indigo Aditya Nugroho and Daniel Handoko Santoso.

Razilu said PT Tiger Wong Entertainment registered for the type of entertainment services in the nature of fashion shows, entertainment services, namely providing podcasts in the fashion sector, to the publication of fashion magazines for entertainment purposes.

Meanwhile, Indigo Aditya Nugroho registers for services for contest selection (entertainment), expos on arts, culture and education, fashion shows, party planning for promotional events in connection with fashion shows and stage performances.

Meanwhile, Daniel Handoko Santoso registered our brand which Fashion Week is in class 25. Types of goods or services include footwear, footwear for children, footwear for adults, footwear for men, footwear for men and women, footwear for women, shirts (t-shirts), tight clothes, koko clothes, sports clothes, knitted clothes, to long-sleeved t-shirts and t-shirt printing

"However, the trademark registered by Indigo Aditya Nugroho was recorded as having applied for the recall of his trademark registration on July 25, 2022," he said at a press conference at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Building, Tuesday, July 26.

On the official page pdki-indonesia.dgip.co.id the application on behalf of Indigo is now written '(TM) withdrawn'. The application is listed with the number JID2022052496.

Furthermore, Razilu said that there was another party who submitted a trademark to DJKI. However, the registered brand is only 'Citayam' without any additional fashion week. The registrant is PT Textile Industri Palekat.

Razilu also appreciated Indigo Aditya Nugroho's decision to withdraw the brand submission on behalf of Citayam Fashion Week. He hoped that other parties would also do the same so that this polemic would not be prolonged.

"Our real hope is that this polemic will not continue in the future. The parties who have submitted, take the same attitude as Mas Indigo Aditya Nugroho to withdraw. So the process is not sustainable in our place," he said.

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