JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) is known to have prepared a large scheme related to the utilization of a number of assets in Jakarta in connection with the plan to move the capital city to the National Capital Region (IKN) Nusantara in East Kalimantan. Meanwhile, one of the highlights is the Gelora Bung Karno (GBK) sports complex.

Director of State Property DJKN Encep Sudarwan said that the government would optimize these assets, including buildings and other state facilities, to generate revenue.

"We are preparing (a plan) according to what kind of law. So not only GBK but all, such as government buildings, we will optimize it," he said through a virtual channel last weekend.

According to Encep, this government policy does not mean selling state facilities. He emphasized this to avoid the perception that the relocation of the capital city to IKN Nusantara was carried out by selling assets in Jakarta.

“Not for sale, yes, but optimized. What for? To be able to get PNBP (Non-Tax State Revenue)," he said.

Encep added, if the management of the Bung Karno Gelora Complex is now handled by a Public Service Agency (BLU) formed by the government under the supervision of the State Secretariat (Setneg).

“In principle, we will work together (with the tenants). We are evaluating all assets so that there will be cost revenue and cost efficiency," he said.

In the VOI record, the Ministry of Finance had reported that throughout 2021 the government managed to reap PNBP of Rp366 billion from state assets that could be utilized by the public.

Meanwhile, the value of all state assets until the close of 2020 is known to be Rp. 11,098 trillion. Of this amount, as many as 59.3 percent of them or around Rp6.585 trillion are state-owned goods (BMN).

The asset value, which reached tens of thousands of trillions, increased by around Rp. 4,000 trillion thanks to the BMN revaluation strategy carried out in 2018. To note, asset revaluation is a step to reassess assets owned by an entity (ministry/institution) so that it reflects the current value of assets.

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