JAKARTA - The Director General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Surya Utomo, said that improving tax policies and services, as well as efforts to respond to fast transaction models, made his party continue to be adaptive in making changes.

According to Suryo, the fundamental and comprehensive changes made the Directorate General of Taxes carry out reforms in the administration system and business processes.

"This aims to provide convenience, provide justice and legal certainty in the community," he said in commemoration of National Tax Day, Monday, July 19.

Suryo added, business process updates focused on digitizing the tax administration system.

"Permission to convey, currently we are building a new tax administration system, because (the existing system) is now quite outdated compared to the existing situation and conditions. It is hoped that in 2024 this new tax system can be used by all taxpayers in Indonesia," he said.

Sri Mulyani's subordinate also conveyed that the distribution of this digital system would begin physically next year.

"We will prepare the installation throughout Indonesia in October 2023," he said.

Suryo ensured that during this waiting period, his party will continue to strive for electronicization and it will become an important goal to support service improvement.

"Since 2019 there have been 86 services to taxpayers that have been digitized. A total of 22 of them will be carried out in 2022. All of this is done to make it easier for the community to carry out their rights and obligations to the state, "concluded Director General of Taxes Suryo Utomo.

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