JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ombudsman revealed that an outbreak of foot and mouth disease (PMK) in livestock had entered Indonesia since 2015. Some areas that were affected by this virus were DKI Jakarta, Gunung Sindur, West Java and Tangerang.

However, this information was deliberately concealed by the government. "Based on documents compiled by the Ombudsman, information on PMK returned to Indonesia in 2015. However, this information was not disclosed to the public, or was covered up by the government at that time," said RI Ombudsman Member Yeka Hendra Fatika, in a virtual press conference, Thursday, 14 July.

Even so, said Yeka, there are positive things that can be used as lessons for overcoming PMK. At that time, the government succeeded in eradicating FMD by implementing mass and simultaneous vaccinations, along with controlling livestock traffic. So that the transmission is stopped quickly.

However, continued Yeka, the government did not do homework as a follow-up to the incident. The homework in question is an extraordinary increase in alertness.

First, Yeka said, the Quarantine Agency must not be negligent in importing animals and animal products into ALL Indonesian territories. Traffic processes, should be tightened with high vigilance. Second, the central and local governments strengthen veterinary authority institutions.

"Instead of being strengthened, many local governments have abolished the Animal Husbandry Service, and do not have veterinary authorities," he said.

Currently, Yeka continued, the FMD epidemic is not only infecting cattle, but also other livestock such as buffalo, goats, sheep and pigs.

Based on the Ombudsman's monitoring as of Tuesday, July 14 2022 at 08.56 WIB on the standbypmk.id page, the total number of sick animals reached 366,540, 140,321 recovered, 2,419 died, 3,698 were conditionally slaughtered, 220,102 have not recovered, vaccination coverage is 476,650, and the number of cases distribution in 22 provinces.

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