JAKARTA - The growth of information and technology infrastructure in Indonesia continues to develop in a better direction. Likewise with the number of internet users who reach around 200 million users.

Based on a report entitled The Future of Cloud in Asia Pacific from Cisco and BCG, Indonesia's information and technology infrastructure (IT) and public cloud spending is the largest in Southeast Asia.

Meanwhile, the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of public cloud services in Indonesia reached 25 percent, higher than Malaysia's 23 percent and Singapore's only 20 percent. It's just that cloud growth in Indonesia is still not very developed.

Why is the cloud less suitable for corporations?

Technically, the virtualization technology used in cloud services allows the execution of multiplex processes on hardware threads. Allows sharing of HT in multiple virtual processes or threads, which can be a business advantage.

"Cloud is indeed good and attractive for retail, startup, and MSMEs but not suitable for corporations that need mission critical," said Julyanto Sutandang, CEO of PT. Equnix Business Solutions speaking at the 2022 Equnix Weekly Tech Talk (EWTT) program, quoted Monday 11 July.

Mission critical or mission critical in question is the critical condition of a system, which cannot be "out of service" under any circumstances and has a high level of security in all aspects. In other words, the operation of the server is very important to carry out routine activities, such as the Internet banking system, ATMs, public service applications that continuously serve the public online at all times.

"The cloud is actually made for retail so that it is easy to use anywhere and anytime, to pay for what you use (pay as you go) so that it feels cheap and can be adjusted to your needs. So retail services definitely don't want to be bothered by the needs of large corporations who want to be served in a premium manner with a personal touch. Because it was designed for retail and then used by businesses (B2B), it didn't fit, something was missed, "explained Julyanto.

According to Julianto, the high level of security and comfort in maintaining stability, ease of maintenance and operation, are the main reasons for large corporations in choosing the system to use.

"In the public cloud, we feel like we can control even though we have no control at all. Large corporations certainly want to have total control, whereas if it was managed in the past, it would be very inconvenient, especially if you don't have a good IT department," added I Made Wiryana, lecturers and Government consultants in the IT field who were present as guest speakers.

Equnix Appliance is the total solution

In the 2nd semester of 2022, taking momentum on its 15th anniversary, Equnix Business Solutions introduced the Equnix Appliance which is a service product intended for corporations.

Equnix Appliance provides services as convenient and easy as the cloud but with full control by the user, complete with premium services. Equnix Appliance is a total solution because it can eliminate all the hassles related to hardware, operating systems, tools, maintenance and up to operations.

An information technology system used by corporations has a unified service integrity from ground to apps, comprehensive from hardware, OS, tools to applications in terms of development, operation and maintenance. Specifically, there is no cloud service that can give users the freedom to 'intervene' down to the hardware level used by the cloud service provider, if needed.

Corporations need premium services that provide complete discretion, flexibility and control to maintain reliability, availability and growth. In fact, until now there is no cloud service that can provide this.

"For large companies, data matters are the basic capital so that data cannot be released. So complete control must be in the hands of the owner. The solution offered by Equnix is clearly right because it allows data control to be in the hands of the owner, without having to bother with hardware or IT personnel which amount to a lot," explained Made.

Equnix Appliance can be used with several methods such as Managed Service Cloud On-Premise, Manage Service Appliance, and used independently or without service management.

15 Years Serving Indonesia

For 15 years, PT Equnix Business Solutions has carried out the mission of making corporations in Indonesia independent in IT resources, free from foreign hegemony. Being IT independent in your own country is not easy, the need for independent IT must be supported by the entire related ecosystem, both by the government and the community.

As a pioneer of the nation's subsidiaries in the field of Open Source, P Equnix Business Solutions consistently builds and develops an Open Source ecosystem in all important lines in Indonesia, from upstream to downstream.

One part of the ecosystem that is very important is human resources. Since 2018, Equnix has been active with the “Open source goes to campus” campaign to various universities and private companies in Indonesia.

Because the younger generation, especially students, are the future generation, of course, they need to be given continuous education about IT independence. A country will progress, if it masters technology.

Regularly, Equnix also holds the 2022 Equnix Weekly Tech Talk (EWTT) program. A bi-weekly educational event through webinars with quality speakers that can be attended for free. In fact, this company also opens opportunities for students who want to seek knowledge through internship opportunities.

"On this occasion, allow us to thank our clients from the government and the private sector who for the past 15 years have entrusted IT solutions to us. We will always strive to provide the best service, accurate and reliable solutions for system stability, smooth delivery service and ultimately deliver Peace of Mind," concluded Julyanto.

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